After an MFA in sculpture one would assume that a teaching career at a university was my next move. But, I continued to make sculpture while earning a living as a freelance sole proprietor running a catering business and doing websites, writing web content on the side. In 2006 I began having some joint pain and by 2009 there were days when I could not walk at all. I decided to design a walking cane that I could use specific to my needs. That was the beginning of SmartWalk, and as technology has advanced so quickly, so has SmartWalk. I drew the first design of the cane in 2009, and in 2012 I started working full-time on building a comprehensive falls prevention program to accompany the devices and wearables that SmartWalk entails. In 2013 we launched the iStand Falls Prevention mobile app and website as I continued to develop SmartWalk, the firmware, the code, and what would make SmartWalk different from all the other medical alert products. As I was working on that, I had other ideas I thought were worth market testing, so I formed a product design company in order to make all of my ideas into reality. So far, so good.
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