Project Details

Totally Pregnant: Maternity Trust Engagement Platform

by Jeffrey Bonar

Totally Pregnant is a trusted white label engagement platform for pregnant and soon to be pregnant moms.
Ridgewood, NY United States Women(s) Health Connected Health WarOnCOVID challenge
Team Company Patients Physicians Hospital Partners Mission Innovation Details Supporters Comments Updates

About our project

The problem we solve: Totally Pregnant is a trusted white label engagement platform for pregnant and soon to be pregnant moms. The platform includes a brand-able and customizable world class pregnancy app (white label), reminders and prompts, and social media integration. We have 13 paid hospital customers, and conversations with health insurance companies are underway. ENGAGING MODERN WOMEN where they live — on their mobile phones. Our videos and reminders have women use the app 4 times per week. Because our content is customizable by population and condition, customers can address special needs and populations. Our customers brand their versions of the app to promote their organization. ATTRACTING PATIENTS: Customers use Totally to attract 100-200 new potential patients each month. 30% of our users are not yet pregnant, a prime “sales” opportunity. Those non-pregnant users are doing research with apps to pick an OB doctor and hospital.

About our solution: We have proven results with hospitals: 25% - increase in maternity patients 600,000 - installs 160 - times app used in first pregnancy, 4 times per week 30% of app users are not yet pregnant, still looking for an OB and hospital 100-200 installs per month from social media marketing campaign

Progress to date:

Totally Pregnant is a trusted white label engagement platform for pregnant and soon to be pregnant moms. The platform includes a brand-able and customizable world class pregnancy app (white label), reminders and prompts, and social media integration. 

We have 13 paid hospital customers, and conversations with health insurance companies are underway.

ENGAGING MODERN WOMEN where they live — on their mobile phones. Our videos and reminders have women use the app 4 times per week. Because our content is customizable by population and condition, customers can address special needs and populations. Our customers brand their versions of the app to promote their organization. 

ATTRACTING PATIENTS: Customers use Totally to attract 100-200 new potential patients each month. 30% of our users are not yet pregnant, a prime “sales” opportunity. Those non-pregnant users are doing research with apps to pick an OB doctor and hospital.

Hospitals leverage Totally features to create community and expand their maternity patient base. Their goal is to make sure to connect with women in a way that is culturally appropriate and in partnership with familiar and trusted community organizations. The app allows them to promote and partner with local religious organizations that sponsor “healthy baby” clinics staffed by the hospital. This is particularly important for women who otherwise might not get appropriate care during their pregnancy.

LOWER C-SECTION RATES: Another customer uses our app to both promote their low C-Section rates AND to educate patients on reducing the likelihood of a C-section.

Totally is very interested in working with public health organizations to customize the app and social media to support initiatives to reduce maternal mortality and promote early childhood health. Overall, we are committed to cutting US maternal mortality rates in half (US rates are among the worst in the developed world, with black women experiencing rates 4-5x worse than white women). We are looking to work with the right partners to focus the platform's engagement and community integration to support this goal.

About Our Team

Creator: Jeffrey Bonar

Location: New York

Education: none

Bio: Jeffrey Bonar has spent his entire career at the cutting edge of applying advanced software technologies to solve human needs: how can cutting edge technologies best serve the needs of companies and users. His experience listening deeply to real needs, and addressing those needs with practical software solutions includes work with small startups, mid-sized companies, and Fortune 500 corporations in fields including mobile software, customer relationship management, big data, artificial intelligence, training, and software tools. At IBM, Bonar led the team that delivered the first version of WebSphere.

Hospital Affiliation: none

Title: CEO

Advanced Degree(s): Ph.D

About Our Company

Totally Pregnant

Location: 20-32 Linden St
Ridgewood, NY 11385

Founded: 2017


Twitter: @totallypreg


Other link:

Product Stage: In the Market

Employees: 3-5

How We Help Patients

The app provides fun and friendly education for pregnant moms. It is not clinical. It features videos that moms love. Over 600,000 moms have installed the app, with 25,000 videos watched per month. This is the perfect platform for a qualified partner organization to provide interventions tied to their organization's clinical capabilities.

How We Help Physicians

The app provides fun and friendly education for pregnant moms. It is not clinical. It features videos that moms love. Over 600,000 moms have installed the app, with 25,000 videos watched per month. This is the perfect platform for a physician to do tracking and provide interventions tied to their clinical focus.

How We Help Hospitals

Hospitals have used our app to increase their maternity patients by 25%. Because 30% of our installs happen with women that are not yet pregnant, this is a perfect hospital outreach and marketing tool.

How We Help Partners

Totally Pregnant is useful to any organization that wants to reach out to pregnant and potentially pregnant women.

Challenge Mission

COVID Problem We Address

Totally Pregnant is a white label engagement platform for pregnant and soon to be pregnant moms. We are currently extending our platform to provide critical COVID-19 support for pregnant moms. The new version will be called “Resilient Mom, Resilient Baby"". The platform is quick, authoritative resource to give stressed hospitals a way to support their pregnant moms, calm fears, and provide appropriate care. Not only will the app provide education, but it will also include real-time pregnancy related COVID-19 updates, telehealth support, and outreach through Facebook and Instagram. Our hospital contacts include Labor and Delivery Nurses, Women’s Services Directors, and Pregnancy Educators. They have identified pregnant moms as a critical COVID-19 at risk population with unique needs that will be addressed by our platform. These needs include: 1) pregnant moms have questions and fears related to the COVID-19 crisis that can be addressed inside the app, 2) for most healthy pregnant moms you do not want them coming to the hospital without a pressing need, 3) many OBs are idled since their patients are staying home, and 4) many moms can easily have exams and consultations via Telehealth. Our platform includes a brand-able and customizable world class pregnancy app (white label), reminders and prompts, and social media integration. These features will be extended to provide COVID-19 support.

Our COVID Solution

OUR PLATFORM ENGAGES MODERN WOMEN where they live — on their mobile phones. Our analytics show that our videos and reminders have women use the app 4 times per week. Each of our current hospital customers have customized our content to better serve their populations and the special needs of those populations. Our COVID-19 version adds new features including: week-by-week content specific to COVID-19 related precautions, a daily feed of up-to-the-minute recommendations, Telehealth support so women can have routine exams without needing to go to the hospital, social media push of updates to Facebook and Instagram. OUTREACH TO PATIENTS: Our customers currently use the Totally platform to attract 100-200 new potential patients each month. 30% of our users are considering getting pregnant, a prime opportunity to deliver valuable information. Totally Pregnant users are doing research with apps to understand what will happen during their pregnancy, make COVID-19 health decisions, choose an OB doctor and choose a hospital. Some customers leverage our platform to create community around the maternity experience. Their goal is to make sure to connect with women in a way that is culturally appropriate and in partnership with familiar and trusted community organizations. For COVID-19 issues, this is particularly important. For example, the app allows on hospital to promote and partner with local religious organizations that sponsor “healthy baby” clinics staffed by the hospital. This is particularly important for women who otherwise might not get appropriate care during their pregnancy. Generally, the COVID-19 content is consistent with the Totally mission. Totally has been selected as a innovative platform by DXC, the largest healthcare systems integrator. With DXC we are reaching out to public health organizations to customize the app and social media to support initiatives to reduce maternal mortality and promote early childhood health. Overall, we are committed to cutting US maternal mortality rates in half (US rates are among the worst in the developed world, with black women experiencing rates 4-5x worse than white women). We are looking to work with the right partners to focus the platform's engagement and community integration to support this goal.

Innovation Details

Intellectual Property Summary

None of the categories above apply. We have copyrights on all material -- those are important and handled. We do not have patents.

Clinical Information

No clinical efficacy studies. We would be anxious to work with qualified organziations to demonstrate the power of our outreach and engagement to deliver interventions demonstrated by that organization.

Regulatory Status

does not apply

How we will use the funds raised

Focus on expanding our proven sales and marketing benifits to deliver clinical interventions.

Thank You

Totally Pregnant is a unique tool for doing patient outreach and engagement. Our latest customer, Good Samaritan in downtown Los Angeles, got 28 installs in the first 3 days of our social media promotion in their target zip codes! This should produce more than 3000 touches to patients not currently tied to GoodSam. This gives GoodSam a way to educate woman about their clinics and community services, suggest culturally appropriate interventions and clinical tasks, and attract new patients, 

I believe we have fully cracked the code on how to use the app as a potent engagement tool. We are anxious to work with partners that understand the needs and healthcare opportunitis of their communities and deliver them a tool to directly engage patients.



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