Help Stop Obesity: Obese No More, Whether Rich or Poor

by Jeffrey Cohen

Add laser like Lipo for fat loss to our practice and offer these services for free, or at discounted rates, to those who cannot afford it.
Silver Spring , MD United States Fitness or Wellness Healthy Living
Team Company Patients Physicians Hospital Partners Innovation Details Supporters Comments Updates

About our project

The problem we solve: We are trying to solve a two-fold problem. The first being the plague of obesity in our society. The second being that only those of means can afford the technologies to help.

About our solution: If we can get the Lipo like laser machine, we will offer the services free of charge, or at a substantially reduced rate, for those who cannot afford it. These discounts will be offset by regular paying patients. The technology exists, we only need to get the machine and can help those who are in need, in as little as 2 weeks.

Progress to date:

The technology is in the market. We simply need the funding to acquire the machine. We have a high percentage of low income, immigrant patients. Our current patients are quite excited about the treatments for themselves and their loved ones.

About Our Team

Creator: Jeffrey Cohen

Location: Maryland

Education: Logan College of Chiropractic

Bio: I graduated from Chiropractic school in 1989 and been practicing since then. I have become quite interested in the obesity epidemic plaguing our country (and my family). I need to help.

Hospital Affiliation: Private practice

Title: Chiropractor

Advanced Degree(s): DC

About Team Members


About Our Company

Maryland Injury Associates

Location: 12020 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring , MD 20902

Founded: 2011

Twitter: @DrJeffcoh


Product Stage: In the Market

YTD Sales: Working on it

Employees: 1-2

How We Help Patients

When patients lose fat, their lives improve physically and emotionally. Their many comorbities improve, or even disappear. They are more active, improving all dynamics in their lives. 

How We Help Physicians

This benefits physicians because their patients will have many comormidities reduced or even eliminated.  Patient compliance and success will be more readily obtained. Patient satisfaction will be greatly improved, leading to fewer headaches and more referrals.

How We Help Hospitals

This technology will reduce patients' co-morbities allowing for fewer emergency room visits and more scheduled appointments to individual doctors in the hospital. Patients will be happier due to less congestion in the ER and will continue to use your facility over your competition.  It will lead to less unpaid medical bills as many of these individuals are uninsured, subsequently increasing profits. It will also offer additional sources of revenue in other areas of specialty in the hospital as the patients lose weight. This includes the physical therapy department, plastic surgery, nutrition, and others.

How We Help Partners

This is a natural partnership with supplement companies, gyms, trainers, nutritionists, massage therapists, plastic surgeons, bariatric specialists, mental health professionals, pain management specialists, and any other health related businesses. THese patients have various needs and conditions prior to losing weight and after. Multiple partnerships for referrals and/or product sales are obvious.

Innovation Details

Intellectual Property Summary

I have nothing to protect. In fact, I would love to see clinicians everywhere, doing the exact same thing and helping as many people as they can. There is, unfortunately, no shortage of obese individuals.

Clinical Information

1. The Efficacy of the Vevazz in Body Contouring and Fat Reduction*
Caruso-Davis M, Guillot T, Yu Y, Bissoon L, Greenway F Published in Obesity Journal 15:A99, 2007, 2007 Presented at NAASO Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA. October 20-24, 2007.

Effects of Low level Laser Therapy in Subcutaneous Fat Reduction and Improvement in Body Contour Vinod Podichetty MD, Daniel Bourassa, DC Presented at ASLMS 30th Annual Conference Phoenix, Arizona, April 14-18, 2010

Study design /materials and methods
Retrospective data review of patients (n=311) treated with Low level laser therapy ( 658NM, 150 mW array/40 mW +/- 20% diode laser radiation source). The therapy was applied topically to skin of the abdomen and torso to areas where undesired fat was present.

Overall, 130 patients who completed all 6 and 12 sessions achieved an average sustained losses of 9.0 cm for the 6 session group and 16.1 cm for the 12 session group. Patient satisfaction and photographic assessment demonstrated significant higher score in all patients. No significant complications were encountered in the patient population.

While there is a high demand for body shaping procedures, effective non-invasive body contouring alternatives for non-surgical candidates are very few. Cosmetic surgery patients are reluctant to undergo procedures that require general anesthesia and pose a multitude of potentially serious risks and complications with a possibility of several weeks of recovery time. Low level laser therapy appears to be safe and an efficacious method for reducing subcutaneous fat in the abdominal and torso areas where undesired fat is present.

2. Double Blind Greenway Study
Efficacy of Low Level Laser Therapy for Body Contouring and Spot Fat Reduction
Mary K. Caruso-Davis* ,Thomas S. Guillot** ,Vinod K. Podichetty† , Nazar Mashtalir***, Nikhil V. Dhurandhar***, Olga Dubuisson***, Ying Yu***, Frank L. Greenway***

3. Fat liquefaction LLLT study.pdf

4. American Academy of Anti aging Study.pdf



7. Jackson Non-Invasive Approach for Body Contouring Randomized Controlled Study.pdf

8. 3 studies abstracts.pdf

9. Strawberry Laser inch loss clinical study 2010.pdf

10. A New Non-Invasive Approach for Body Contouring: the Applications of the Low-Level Laser Therapy David Turok, MD American Academy of Anti aging Study.pdf

11. Study of the Effect of Low Level Laser Light Therapy on Reducing the Appearance of Cellulite in the Thighs and Buttocks.

VevazzTM Contouring features an innovative Blanket that holds between 2 to 8 paddles. The Blanket increases the treatment contouring area and is easier to apply to the patient's treatment areas; for example, large paddles: 3x for arms, 5x for legs and 8x for abdomen.

VevazzTM Contouring is a LED light device designed to help people lose inches of fat and FDA Approved . Unlike most body contouring devices, VevazzTM Contouring uses LED light instead of laser. LED light produces the same results as laser, only safer.

Laser light is coherent and penetrates deeper into the body, however this is not needed for body contouring because fat deposits are subcutaneous. LED light is non-coherent and has the right amount of strength to reach the fat cells and open them naturally, the same way that diet and exercise would.

VevazzTM Contouringis safe, painless, and completely non-invasive treatment for fat loss, spot reduction and aesthetic body contouring. Other treatments are Cellulite Reduction, Scar Treatment, Wrinkle Reduction, Skin Tightening, Neuropathy, Pain and Inflammation. Vevazz's LED light works in only 7 minutes per treatment area.


Frequency: Red Light 660 NM, Green Light 535NM and Infrared 840NM.
Power: 130 MW per Diode.
Diodes: 28 diodes per Treatment Paddle.
Paddles: 2-4 small paddles for lymphatic stimulation and 8-32 large paddles to treat the area of concern.
Straps: 5-15 Velcro straps of different sizes.
Treatment time: 7 minutes.

Regulatory Status

We are interested in obtaining the Vevazz machine.

FDA Clearances

1. Class 1 FDA Device: Registered with the FDA for Adjunct  treatment of obesity (Weight loss)

2. Class 2 – 510k FDA Device: Cleared for some of the symptoms of Neuropathy (Pain and inflammation)

3. Body Contouring: Applied, expected Novemver 2017

4. Skin Blemishes: Application submetted in August 2017

How we will use the funds raised

The funding will be used to purchase the machine, education, training, and appropriate advertising/community relations. It will also help with the salary of a staff person that will be needed. If we are unable to secure the total amount for the purchase, we will use the money for a down pament and then make monthly payments until the machine is paid for.

Thank You

The obesity epidemic plaguing our country continues to get worse. The current education and approaches to weight loss just don't work. This can be seen from the constantly increasing numbers of obese indivduals; numbers supported by statistics. This technology works. Unfortunately, like most technology, it is not accessable to the lower socioeconomic individuals. In those cases, they continue to gain weight and suffer so many comorbities. We need to help. You can save lives. Please donate.



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Logan College of Chiropractic

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