The problem we solve: It is no secret that America has been in a healthcare "crisis" for decades. The United States spends far more on health care than any other nation on the globe. Government-funded Medicare and Medicaid account for more than $1 of every $3 of U.S. health-care spending and $1 of every $4 in the federal budget. Medicare has been growing at more than twice the rate of inflation and is forecast to accelerate as baby boomers age, while the cost of Medicaid has grown as the Affordable Care Act has brought Medicaid coverage to more people. Therefore it is little wonder that congressional leaders are looking to chop Medicare and Medicaid spending, which have long been favorite targets of budget-cutters. Emergency room visits and unpaid health care bills account for over half of our deficit. All of these dynamics have had a trickle down effect on how physicians can "treat" their patients. Doctors are now scrutinized as to even the amount of time spent with their patients.
About our solution: In Home Solutions will reach its target audience providing home care services such as home,personal and nursing within the community to promote and maintain independence. Our administrative team will be focusing on preventing unnecessary hospitalizations and admittance into long term care facilities thus reducing the overall cost of health care within the community. In Home Solutions will offer a unique combination of home care and community-based social services. We believe that by employing competent and well-educated staff and providing them with organized and responsive management, we can become the home care/social service agency of choice in the surrounding area.
Progress to date:
Though In-Home Solutions is a newly formed entity, its founder and manager, Rebecca Gulliford, has 25 + years experience in the field of health care. Her unmatched dedication to those she cares for, and long history in the field, has given her the opportunity to make hundreds, if not thousands, of long-standing relationships in the community. She understands that referrals with in this field are a vital part of a successful career and business. Many of her former patients and their families, have already expressed a strong desire to continue with her as their provider. Maintaining these close relationships will ensure future referrals from those she has served. In Home Solutions' chosen management team consists of indivuals knowledgable in the field with years of experience themselves, thus opening up many avenues for growth wihtin the company. .
Creator: Rebecca Gulliford
Location: Missouri
Education: Southwest Baptist University
Bio: I started my adventure in the healthcare industry at the age of 16 when i signed up for a health occupations course through my High School. From there i began working with elderly individuals within the local nursing home. I went to nursing school at the age of 18 and began my career. Since then i have found myself rewarded every day with the impact i have and the difference i make in individuals lives. My career as a nurse has provided me with the opportunity to venture out into many aspects of the healthcare industry. I obtained my clinical supervisory certificate in 2000 which granted me the opportunity to inspire and educate individuals starting their own career out as nursing assistants. I have spent the majority of my career working as an agency nurse due to the wide array of specialties it has to offer. i was impressed upon growing up that education is of the upmost importance and that you should always be receptive to new people you meet in this world as every single person has something new to teach you.Having been lucky enough to have such a vast experience of nursing under my belt i was provided the opportunity by an employer to start doing case management work within the community. This is where i found my true passion. Being able to take everything i have learned along my journeys in life and empower patients through education is truly the most rewarding thing i have ever done. As the healthcare industry continues to expand so does the target audience, which includes our baby-boomer generation and those individuals with over all knowledge deficit related to the ever evolving health care system. In Home Solutions has the passion and driving force to carry out aspects of preventative measures beyond its’ initial plan of detail.In Home Solutions has the capabilities to provide individuals with the knowledge, resources and access to legislate their own initiative and independence thus reducing unnecessary hospitalizations.
Title: Director of Operations/Owner
Advanced Degree(s): LPN, Certified Case Manager, Clinical Nurse Supervisor Certified
Location: 804 S Troy Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
Founded: 2018
Product Stage: Ready
Employees: 3-5
Increasing patient education reduces the amount physicians are required to spend on educating patients and ensuring a patient understands and follows his/her plan of care. Patient education greatly reduces liability and chances at malpractice suits thus in the long run reducing the amount a provider is required to pay for these coverages.
Intellectual Property Summary
Clinical Information
Chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, are responsible for 7 of every 10 deaths among Americans each year and account for 75% of the nation’s health spending. These chronic diseases can be largely preventable through close partnership with your healthcare team, or can be detected through appropriate screenings, when education is provided.
Chronic diseases have significant health and economic costs in the United States. Preventing chronic diseases, or managing symptoms when prevention is not possible, can reduce these costs.
Regulatory Status
In Home Solutions has all its licensures necessary to perform business within its realm.
How we will use the funds raised
Funding will be used to put the ground work into motion, hiring and retaining employees and developing local community educational products.
Thank You
While there are many providers within the area offering services of this nature, there are few that have the experience that In Home Solutions have. In Home Solutions will not be developed surrounding big business plans and corporate structure. Instead, In Home Solutions is founded, owned and operated by people who have performed the "grunt" work within the industry themselves. A management team who actually understands their consumers needs and devotes themselves to providing a service of excellence to improve their clients quality of life.
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