Recovery Warriors: Personalizing Care for Major Depressive Disorder

by Jessica Raymond

Our online platform makes treatment and support for depression accessible, engaging, and educational to patients and providers.
Austin, TX United States Depression Mental Health Patient Education Takeda challenge
Team Company Patients Physicians Hospital Partners Mission Innovation Details Supporters Comments Updates

About our project

The problem we solve: Each year around 15.7 million adults age 18 or older experience at least one major depressive episode in the U.S. alone. No two people are affected the same way by depression and there is no "one-size-fits-all" for treatment. To ensure the right patient receives the right treatment at the right time, we believe efforts need to be focused on making care for MDD accessible, engaging, and personalized.

About our solution: Recovery Warriors online platform empowers users to track their depression symptoms over time and communicate that data to their providers using their smartphones. Using the latest advancements in data science, we plan to personalize the user-experience in order to keep treatment engaging, relevant and on track.

Progress to date:In only 3.5 years, over 4,500,000 sessions and 8,000 feature requests have taken place on our platform. We’ve demonstrated great success and traction working with eating disorder patients and providers and have a thriving community of over 30,000 followers on social media. We believe we can apply our domain expertise in mental health and knowledge of user behavior to help patients and providers with MDD. Note: Image of progress is not up-to-date

About Our Team

Creator: Jessica Raymond

Location: Texas

Education: University of California, San Diego

Bio: Jessica Raymond is the founder and CEO of Recovery Warriors and holds a Master's in Geophysics from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Through her personal experience of overcoming depression, anxiety and an eating disorder, Jessica is passionate about designing technologies and meaningful resources that increase access to care and support for mental health.

Title: CEO

Advanced Degree(s): MS

About Team Members

Miriam Roelink
Biography: Miriam Roelink is the COO at Recovery Warriors and holds a Masters degree in Business Administration from VU University Amsterdam. Miriam is an active member of the Academy for Eating Disorders where she utilizes her own experiences and professional expertise to improve global access to knowledge, research and best treatment practice for eating disorders.
Title: COO
Advanced Degree(s): MS
Twitter: @MiriamRoelink

About Our Company

Recovery Warriors L.L.C.

Location: 2502 S 5th St.
Austin, TX 78704

Founded: 2012



Twitter: @recovrywarriors


Other link:

Product Stage: In the Market

YTD Sales: Less than $250,000

Employees: 1-2

How We Help Patients

We help patients strengthen their recovery through self-monitoring, personalized analytics and connection to supportive resources.

How We Help Physicians

We help providers individualize their treatment approach by giving them the tools and data to see their clients progress and patterns in real-time. We also help them strengthen their practice by connecting them to new patients.

How We Help Hospitals

We help hospitals make informed decisions on treatment and medication usage by allowing them to visualize the patterns in their patient's data. We also help them connect to new patients that need a higher level of care.

How We Help Partners

We help pharmaceutical companies track the efficacy of their treatments and increase medication adherence. We help insurance companies reduce the cost of treatment by shortening the road to recovery and making it less lonely.

Challenge Mission

How we will improve Depression Care

Our solution will provide people struggling with depression the connection, knowledge and awareness they need to have a strong recovery. We believe that a single recovery takes a team, and through our integrated platform we plan to connect all the the team players- patients, providers, friends, and family.

How we will make the lives of those who suffer from depression better

Building out solutions such as the one we have proposed for this challenge is the next step. The field is ripe for transformation and iteration by iteration we will be able to improve treatment outcomes, increase our evidence-base, and change lives for the better.

Innovation Details

Intellectual Property Summary



Clinical Information

We are very interested in collaborating with research institutions to accelerate the translation of scientific research to clinical practice. Given the large amount of data collected by a specific target demographic, there are numerous possibilities to advance the understanding of evidence-based treatments and their affects on real-life experiences with MDD.

Regulatory Status

At the present moment, we do not have an FDA clearance plan.

How we will use the funds raised

The following funding will help us develop a version of the Rise Up + Recover app for MDD and connect the Rise Up + Recover app to a HIPAA compliant online platform accessible to both patients and providers.

Thank You

Thank you for your curiosity and interest in our project! 

Mental health is something that has touched every single one of us at some point in our lives, whether it’s a personal experience or watching family or friends go through it.

We need your support to continue to develop innovative solutions to help ameliorate the isolation, confusion and pain. 

Join us in our mission to make a difference in mental health.



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    Lindsey Hall posted on 16th August, 2016

    Love <3

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    Mary Anne Cohen posted on 29th August, 2016

    This is a GREAT idea and much needed!

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    Valerie Martin posted on 29th August, 2016

    go get em Jess & Miriam!

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    Angie Viets posted on 31st August, 2016

    Thank you, Recovery Warriors for all the amazing work you do in the field! Much gratitude, Angie

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    Recovery Warrior posted on 1st September, 2016

    The app helped me through my hardest times and even though I'm fully healthy now, the daily inspiration and many interesting articles are still very helpful. Thank you so much!

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    Meg Rosevally posted on 1st September, 2016

    SOOOO rooting for you Jess & Miriam- you both inspire me daily more than you know! XO!!

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    Brittany Zeinstra posted on 7th September, 2016

    The app and podcast were there for me when even my doctors didn't believe me. Thank you thank you thank you.

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    Caitlin Faurote posted on 7th September, 2016

    I have just discovered Recovery Warriors! For 3 years I have been honestly seeks by help for my near 10 years with an eating disorder. It's now through Recovery Warrior that I am gaining real traction. They know what they are doso my and all I want is more from them! More books, stories, podcasts, music suggestions, resources, and clothes!

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$325 pledged of $5,000 goal

University of California, San Diego


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