About our project

“I was 11 when my mother had been rushed to the ER after collapsing. She had a brain tumor in the third ventricle of her brain which had to be removed immediately. My dad flew home to join me the next day and thank god, because he was my only parent for the next three months while my mother lived in a rehabilitation facility. When we could finally bring my mom home, the staff advised us to hide the kitchen knives. You can barely imagine what the thought of a parent’s suicide does to a child.

My father gave up most of his work to stay home with my mother and take care of her, but we were out of our league. Neither of us knew how to help her — not in daily tasks, but also how to help her regain her memory and functionality. She recovered beautifully, after about a period of two years, but now as she’s getting older (55) she has severe memory lapses and I can’t help but think it was our fault for not continuing some type of memory training or rehabilitation at home after that time period.

I have always wished that there was a way I could have helped her, or that my dad could have had some guidance after bringing her home to continue her care, but there was nothing like this. I know from personal experience that a program like CNS eHealth could have made a difference in my mother’s and my family’s life, and that is why I will be supporting it." — KG

1 in 20 of us will experience some brain condition in our lifetime.

About 85% of those who experience a brain injury/illness receive no treatment related to the long- term disabling effects of their condition.

CNS e-Health™ was formed to transform the delivery of Central Nervous System (CNS) care. Every year millions of individuals join the ranks of a growing population of what can be called the preventable handicapped, meaning individuals that suffered a brain condition and now have permanent disabilities because they were either prematurely terminated from treatment, received inadequate treatment, or no treatment.

The Problem:

  • The current medical-delivery system is not equipped to deal with over 15 million new cases yearly.
  • Most brain conditions require long-term, well-coordinated treatment – this is unavailable to most people.
  • There is a high chance that you will experience a brain injury or brain illness. And unfortunately, the chances are just as high that, after experiencing a brain condition, the care needed to optimize treatment outcomes will not be available.

The Problem We Solve:

The initial or acute treatment of most brain conditions involves some type of rehabilitation in a hospital or similar setting where patients are supported, 24/7 by a treatment team.

However, far too often these individuals are prematurely discharged to home with a list of instructions and procedures to follow for the purposes of continuing treatment at home. Unfortunately, most of the work involved in actually helping the brain recover from illness/injury will be carried out in the home by the patient and their personal caregivers.

In short, once discharged from the acute setting, the patient and their personal caregivers are and kind of on their own.

  • Would you know how to care for a parent who developed Alzheimers?
  • Would you know how to care for your child after a brain injury?
  • Would you know how to help a spouse resume a productive life after a stroke?
  • Do you think a list of instructions is enough guidance to rebuild a brain after injury or illness?

If you answered “no” to these questions, you are going to require much more help than what the standard medical delivery system or internet Google searches currently offer.

What IS Our Solution?

We are a cloud-based platform of, patent pending, algorithm-driven, Telehealth & Telemedicine Solutions for central nervous system (CNS) care.

Our focus is on:

  • CNS illness and injury prevention and health
  • Lifespan CNS screening and monitoring
  • CNS Diagnostic guidance
  • Enhanced CNS treatment coordination and delivery
  • CNS-Specific education and training
  • CNS research and discovery

A Brief Video:

For highlights of some of the unique features of the CNS e-Health Solution (and for more information), watch our video at: http://www.screencast.com/t/jx9hZmG1J

About CNS e-Health:

CNS e-Health represents digital solutions that address the full continuum of brain care, from illness/injury prevention to recovery and community re-integration after a brain injury or illness has occurred.The program offers:

  • CNS Lifespan Screener and Brain Profiler Accessed Through the Cloud by Anyone Anytime.
  • Treatment and Diagnostic Platforms that use a Collaborative/Team Model Approach.
  • Professional and Layperson Research, Education, and Training Portals
  • Data Repositories for CNS Discovery and Research

It was designed to help:

  • Medical Professionals – obtain increased care coordination & more informed diagnosis.
  • Patients & Personal Caregivers – better understand and participate in brain care & treatment.
  • Research scientist – obtain necessary data for discovery and for establishing standards of care.
  • Everyone – monitor brain health regularly and address brain conditions early.

Clinical Proof to Date:

Research has demonstrated that improved brain injury/illness outcomes are far more likely when personal caregivers (spouses, parents, teachers, etc.) are intricately involved in the patient’s diagnosis and treatment and when coordination between personal caregivers and the multidisciplinary team is high throughout the course of treatment, from the acute setting until the patient has successfully re-integrated into their community.

For further evidence, read Butler’s article on brain injury care in the military health system or this prominent article about traumatic brain injury.

FDA Status:

We do not have FDA approval as of yet. The first phase of the program (treatment module) will require Class 1 approval. The screener and diagnostic programs will most likely require medical device regulation of the Class II-type and will not likely require pre-market approval.

How CNS e-Health Helps Patients:

We empower you and your personal caregivers because we recognize that the “lion’s share” of treatment for any brain condition occurs at home and will require ongoing professional support and direction for the best outcomes.

Here’s what it provides you with:

  • The tools necessary to participate in and receive professionally guided treatment at your home.
  • The ability to easily consult with specialists outside of your geographical region.
  • Treatments and outcomes reported in plain language and diagrammed in easy to read graphics.
  • A 24/7 line of communication with all on the treatment team through any internet enabled device.
  • Readily available research, education, and training designed for laypersons about brain conditions.
  • A CNS-screener that examines brain health, addresses concerns about a developing brain conditions, and checks the status of an existing brain condition.
  • The peace of mind that accompanies knowing you are providing the best for your loved-one or yourself

How CNS e-Health Helps Doctors:

Doctors, we know you want better outcomes, increased efficiency, and worry free systems that actually make your job easier. So join our cause and here’s what we will provide you:

  • A user-friendly e-platform that coordinates and manages all of the care being received by your patient.
  • CNS templates designed by neuroscientist practitioners to keep consistent with your workflow.
  • Algorithms that standardize the different metrics and languages used by various medical specialties.
  • A diagnostic guidance platform that integrates biometric and functional data via probability algorithms.
  • A brief CNS-screener that can be completed by patients at home or while in your waiting room.
  • Outcomes codified in a manner useful for attaining Accountable Care Organization (ACO) benchmarks.
  • CNS specific CME’s and research at your fingertips.
  • An e-health system that meets Stage 1 and Stage 2 meaningful use criteria, is maintenance free, automatically upgraded, and cloud-based.

In short, we provide a one-stop shop for all matters related to brain care.

How CNS e-Health Helps Hospitals, Institutions & Medical Facilities:

We provide your organization with tools designed to:

  • Either stand alone or integrate with your existing EMR/EHR
  • Meet stages #1 and #2 Meaningful Use criteria
  • Decrease hospital length of stay
  • Reduce hospital readmissions and associated unnecessary utilization of emergency department resources
  • Improve long-term treatment outcomes
  • Promote central nervous system wellness and illness prevention

Your facility saves money while further enhancing its reputation through wellness and prevention promotion, better treatment outcomes, and enhanced patient satisfaction.

How We Help Our Parters:

There are no commonly accepted standards of care for brain injury diagnosis or treatment, which, in great part, is due to a lack of methods whereby consistent and meaningful data can be reliably obtained. Standards of care establish how to best diagnose and treat, as well as the best ways to determine the outcomes of these procedures.

Without these standards, insurance companies have few objective ways of setting treatment, outcome, and payment parameters. Without consistent methods of collecting valid diagnostic and treatment data across a wide range of demographic variables, pharmaceutical companies must spend millions of dollars on independent research efforts, which slows down the validation and discovery processes for new medications for brain conditions.

Our program:

  • Promotes widespread collection of real-time diagnostic, treatment, and outcome data.
  • Uses the “gold-standard” of data parameters established by the NINDS “Common Data Elements”.
  • Is flexible and allows for the addition of your organization’s data parameters.
  • Facilitates future discovery including, neurological, pharmaceutical, and therapeutic.

Our Ideal Partners:

Our idea partners would include insurance companies (like Blue Cross Blue Shield, State Farm or All State) seeking to establish standards of care and treatment efficiency, as well as pharmaceutical companies (like Pfizer or Eli Lilly) concerned about the efficacy of their products for this market.

Other partners would include companies like AT&T, Oracle, GE, Verizon, as a key feature of our program is its ability to integrate with existing EMR’s housed in hospitals, medical offices, etc. This integration is crucial as it reduces redundancy in workflow and also keeps both sets of records (i.e., theirs and ours) up to date and consistent.

From our telecommunications partners we would expect to be placed on their Telehealth/Telemedicine platform (e.g., AT&T’s Circle of Health) with marketing assistance.

From our insurance and pharmaceutical partners we would expect a substantial financial contribution (e.g., 50,000.00).

Partner Rewards:

For the right telecommunication partner we will offer exclusive rights to host the program for the 2 years.

For the right insurance and pharma company we will offer the program free of charge to 100 of your providers, and/or access to the CNS e-Health data repository for 2-years including the ability to add a limited amount of data points specific to your organization’s queries.

To learn more about partnering opportunities, what we can offer you, and our rewards, reach out to us at: bryanhudson@fas.harvard.edu

How We’ll Spend Your Contributions:

We will spend your contributions to:
1. Finish the Beta Version of the program and gain Class II- medical device FDA approval.
2. Complete the pilot studies for clinical evidence and program enhancement and refinement.
3. Website development and business consultant expenses

The Development of CNS e-Health

The CNS e-Health project has been in development for about 4-years and through similar collaborative efforts that developed the Pediatric Acquired Brain Injury (PABI) Act, which is a 2.9 billion dollar, national initiative designed to address the lack of standards of treatment/care for brain conditions and the lack of consistent treatment across the continuum of care.

The PABI Act involves 52-State Lead Centers, which essentially represent the leading hospitals and educational institutions across the nation. The goals of the CNS e-Health program are closely aligned with those of the PABI National Initiative, which is one of the reasons CNS e-health is listed as the Telehealth partner in the body of the Act. Integration of the CNS e-Health program into the 52-State Lead Centers will allow for rapid national exposure and will facilitate adoption.

The uniqueness of the CNS e-Health program is highlighted by its 21 patent claims. The program concepts and goals were introduced at the International Neurotrauma Congress in 2011 and received tremendous support, particularly from doctors who resided in countries with well-established Telehealth-Telemedicine programs. The program has also gleaned support from one of the nations largest mobile carriers.

Who We Are:

Founders: Bryan Hudson, PhD., President & Stephanie Peabody, PsyD.
Leaders: Steve Wallace & Charles Golden, PhD
Chief Medical Officer: Hilton Hudson, MD


For $10 or more

1 Supporter(s)

PATIENTS: We will list you and/or who you are honoring with your donation as a FOUNDING SPONSOR with our sincere thanks.

For $35 or more

0 Supporter(s)

PATIENTS: ALL of the above And Our T-Shirt or Cap with the “Universal Care for the Brain” on the front and the CNS e-Health Logo on the back to show everyone that you are part of the brain injury solution! Plus, be listed on our website as a founding sponsor!

For $75 or more

2 Supporter(s)

PATIENTS: All of the above AND LIFETIME access to the CNS-Screener to check your brain health and profile your brain strengths and weaknesses upon its launch.

For $75 or more

1 Supporter(s)

DOCTORS: Show the world you understand the problems associated with brain injury care and are a part of the solution. In return, we will do our best to solve it and will list you and your practice as PIONEER SPONSORS on our website with our sincere thanks. Also, receive a FREE DEMO of our software.

For $150 or more

0 Supporter(s)

DOCTORS: All of the above and LIFETIME USE OF THE CNS e-health Screener for you and up to 4 other doctors in your practice. Show everyone you are part of the solution!

For $500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

DOCTORS: All of the above and an opportunity to become a PILOT Site – and contribute input that will help refine the final version of the CNS e-Health program. You will also receive FULL, UNRESTRICTED USE of the entire program for YOU AND UP TO 4 OTHER doctors in your practice.

For $500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

HOSPITALS: Show the world you are dedicated to solving the problems associated with brain treatment by being one of the first Hospitals listed here and on our website, in perpetuity, we will list you and your practice as INSTITUTIONAL SPONSORS with our sincere thanks.

For $1000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

PARTNERS: Show the world you care about this problem and want it solved. In return we will list your organization here and on our website, in perpetuity, as CORPORATE SPONSORS with our sincere thanks.

For $1500 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (3 left of 3 )

HOSPITALS/INSTITUTIONS: All of the above and get UNRESTRICTED USE for 10 of your doctors.

For $3000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (2 left of 2 )

HOSPITALS: All of the above and an opportunity to become a PILOT Site – and contribute input that will help refine the final version of the CNS e-Health program. You will also receive full, UNRESTRICTED USE of the entire program for up to 25 doctors in your hospital for one year.

For $3000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (2 left of 2 )

PARTNERS: All of the above AND... YOUR LOGO or trademark on our website for 2 YEARS.

For $5000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CAREGIVERS: Lifetime access to the CNS e-health Brain Screener as well as the Education/Training Portals, which are designed to bring the most current, evidenced based education and training materials related to brain health and brain conditions for the professional and layperson.

For $10000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (1 left of 1 )

PARTNERS: All of the above and first right of refusal.

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