Our goal is to create and produce a video series providing alternative or complimentary therapies for depression and anxiety based on the Asian healing practices of Reiki & Qigong.
Over 20 million Americans suffer from depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. It is a tragic situation that makes life for those who have this affliction live in quiet desperation. It also affects the family and loved ones as well.
The toll on our society, communities, businesses and families is devastating. Unfortunately our mental health system is grossly inadequate and our current traditional treatments extremely ineffective.
Just as our allopathic medical system has recently become more open to alternative treatments for physical health issues such as acupuncture, yoga, and herbal medicines, the mental health community should be open to exploring non traditional pharmacological therapies like Reiki and Qigong as alternative or complimentary therapies.
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As a person who has suffered from depression and had a brother who eventually took his life when traditional therapies failed, I am a living testimony to the power and effectiveness of these practices.
In many cases traditional therapies and treatments are ineffective in providing a cure or even relief of the severe symptoms of these disorders!
This video series I want to develop combines both Reiki and Qigong practices into one powerful system that promotes vibrant health, wellness, and mental / emotional stability. These methods also provide targeted relief to the mental torture and anguish people suffer when in the grips of mild and severe depression and anxiety.
Traditional Therapies are broken into two types: chemical and cognitive. Pharmacological treatments include anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and anti-anxiety drugs whereas psychotherapy consists of counseling methods.
Alternative therapies are complimentary to traditional therapies. These include activities ranging from general exercise like walking or running to Yoga, Qigong, Reiki and Meditation. Even keeping a balanced diet can affect your mood and overall health.
Although our DVD will focus primarily on Qigong & Reiki, we have integrated yoga, mudra, nutrition, and meditation into our Reiki
Gong practices!
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Qigong Eases Stress and Balances Emotions
The clearing process in qigong can be used on strongly repressed, as well as on spontaneously over-expressed emotions. Many of the movements of qigong can be refined to specifically address your problem area, be it depression, grief, frustration, irritability, or any combination thereof.
Qigong also holds benefits for people with a sedentary lifestyle or career. Sitting too long can weaken your body. The circulation of your fluids becomes sluggish and your tension increases. This strains your nervous system, which lessens the ability of your mind to remain fully awake and concentrate.
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For supporting evidence, check out these articles.
On healing depression with Qi Gong — this Ezine article or this Live Strong Foundation article
On treating depression with Reiki: this article
On the benefits of Tai Chi and Qi Gong for the Elderly: this article from the NIH website.
1. A Vibrant Health & Wellness Practice — This practice is for anyone who wishes to improve their overall health condition
2. A Mental & Emotional Stability Practice — This practice is designed to help those who suffer from depression, anxiety & mild bipolar disorder by empowering the lower energy center located just below the navel
3. A Breath Empowerment & Yoga Mudra Practice — This practice is a combination of breathing techniques and hand yoga designed to energize and balance the energy body
4. A Meditation & Visualization Practice — Vipassana, mantra, and yantra meditation practices designed to calm and still the mind, body, and spirit
5. A Nutrition & Internal Organ Health Practice — Raw vegetable and fruit smoothies combined with meditation and breathing techniques designed to cleanse and revitalize the major organs
All these areas have been developed from the ancient health and well being practices of Tibet, China, India, and Egypt.
The obvious benefit to doctors is providing them with a natural, safe, non-chemical therapy that can greatly help their patients to alleviate the tremendous suffering they experience and probably more importantly, give them a means to deal with the triggers that bring on episodes of depression, anxiety, and mild bipolar disorder.
For evidence, take a look at this study in the Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry; this UCLA study; and this article on the NIH website.
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The money we collect during this campaign will go towards the filming and production of the DVD series.
Rohi Custage Bio
Rohi Custage received her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychotherapy from the University of Minnesota. She later became a Reiki Master and also went on to become a Holistic Nutritionist by training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York.
She developed her own practice,www.InfiniteHealthNow.com, in counseling, nutrition, and Reiki, which led to becoming the nutritionist for Telemundo’s morning program Primera Edicion, and the nutrition writer for Dr. Manny Alvarez’ book The Hot Latin Diet. Rohi grew up in Latin America, Europe, and the United States.
Rohi then expanded her holistic practice by training in Osho Breath and Meditative Therapies through Breath Energy School International, directed by therapists Anand Dwari and Anand Devapath.
Now a certified Breath Therapist and teacher, Rohi teaches her signature Breakthrough Breath and Dance, and BioDynamic Breathwork Practitioner Trainings worldwide. Trainings she has participated in include “Breath Energy Trainings I, II, & III”, “Sexual
Awareness Counselor Training”, “Group Leadership Training I & II ” in Toscana, Italy, and “Aquaprana Bodywork and Breath Training” in Tulum, Mexico. In this work she has found the key for opening up to her soul and being grounded in her body, and now as she leads a meditative lifestyle she is happy to share what she has learned.
She is also a DJ, Producer, and runs a dance music label, www.5FathomsMusic.com, and writes original meditation soundtracks. With Giten she founded Energy Of Breath, which evolved into Energy Of Breath Institute in 2007.
On Facebook: ReikiGongDynamicHealth
Our Website: www.energyofbreath.com
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CONTRIBUTOR CREDIT: Permanent listing as a contributor to this project & co-producer credit on all DVD series.
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RELAXER: One copy of the Mental & Emotional Stability DVD.
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YOUR CHOICE: Any one DVD from the whole Dynamic Health Series.
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SUPER RELAXER: Copy of the whole Dynamic Health Series (5 DVDs).
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BREATHER: One 75 minute Breath Empowerment Session with Rohi Custage over Skype.
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DOCTORS/ CLINICS: Show your patients you're committed to them by providing holistic care that goes beyond just the prescription of drugs with our beautifully designed POSTER, to display on your office walls.
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FEATURED SPONSOR: Send us a sample of your product and we'll feature it in a Special Features section of our DVD. To appear in the Menu of every DVD in the series. Each feature will last for at least 2 minutes. We'll also mention your locations, services offered, and up to 4 other products.
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Three Breath Empowerment Sessions with Rohi Custage via Skype.
0 Supporter(s)
CLINICS/ PRACTITIONERS/ YOGA STUDIOS: FEATURED SPONSORS. In a Special Features section of our DVD, to appear in the Menu of every DVD in the series, we will introduce you, your clinic or facility, your services and reviews of it. Reach out to the people who need you. Also great for yoga studio or gym chains and franchises too!
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backed on 01/25/2013
backed on 01/15/2013
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