OrthoPrint 3D: Custom 3D Printed Orthopedic Anatomy.

by Jake Powell

Providing custom anatomical models to orthopedic and sports medicine professionals, clinics, and educators
Swampscott, MA United States Orthopedics Medical Education Art in Healthcare MedStartr Ventures challenge
Team Company Patients Mission Innovation Details Supporters Comments Updates

About our project

The problem we solve: Anatomical models are currently cost restrictive and difficult to customize. The are invaluable for patient education and clinical training.

About our solution: OrthoPrint 3D offers precision crafted and customized anatomical models utilizing 3D printing. Models an be customized for any condition or injury. Because each component is an individual file models can also be repaired rather than replaced. OrthoPrint3D would also like to create an open source data based for any patient, clinician or student to download, modify, and print their own anatomical models.

Progress to date:

I have 2 prototypes printed and 50+ customizable designs in development on SketchUp

About Our Team

Creator: Jake Powell

Education: Temple University College of Public Health

Bio: I am a certified Athletic Trainer and graduate student starting at Temple University. I am interested in improving the profession of Athletic Training through evidence-based practice and thoughtful solutions to complex problems. I have clinical and research experience in concussion management and the long-term outcomes of rTBI. I also design 3D-printed patho-anatomical orthopedic models and create HTML, CSS, and javascript coded websites for athletic training, healthcare education, and patient-reported outcomes.

Title: CEO

Advanced Degree(s): ATC

About Team Members

Benjamin Ryan Bouricius
3D Laboratory - Lead Designer, Project Manager , B.S.
Biography: I am a student of science, art, design and philosophy. I am passionate about appropriate technology, and environmental conservation. I am an avid minimalist and I love to travel all over the world. I work with the design and 3D printing of e-NABLE prosthetic hands and I hope to one day be able to distribute these around the world to people in need. I piloted the first 3D printing operation at Ithaca College as an undergraduate Physics student. I have extensive experience with Makerbot 3D printers, as well as Lulzbot, BCN3D, and M3D printers. I also have experience with 3D laser scanning using tools such as a Leica c10 and a 3DS Sense as well as NextEngine scanners
Title: 3D Laboratory - Lead Designer, Project Manager
Advanced Degree(s): B.S.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-ryan-bouricius-818090109/

About Our Company


Location: 70 Fuller Ave
Swampscott, MA 01907

Founded: 2017

Twitter: OrthoPrint3D

Product Stage: Prototype/MVP

YTD Sales: Less than $250,000

Employees: 3-5

How We Help Patients

Of all the evidence regard the treatment of orthopedic conditions the most conclusive in the case of non-operative conditions it movement and patient education. Being injured can be scary and confusing. Models also the patient to understand their bodies anatomy and exactly what is causing their pain. Education leading to decreased confusion can increase compliance to treatment and build trust in the patient-clinician relationship.   

Innovation Details

Intellectual Property Summary

The goal of OrthoPrint3D is to bring down the cost and accesibility of anatomical models. Therefore we agree herein to make all files used to print open source for any clinician, patient, educator, or student to utilize, modify, and print themselves. 

We encourage collaboration and interdisciplinary communication towards the common goal of improve patient care. 


Clinical Information

Tack P, Victor J, Gemmel P, Annemans L. 3D-printing techniques in a medical setting: a systematic literature review. BioMedical Engineering OnLine. 2016;15:115. doi:10.1186/s12938-016-0236-4.

Marconi, S., Pugliese, L., Botti, M. et al.  Value of 3D printing for the comprehension of surgical anatomy. Surg Endosc (2017). doi:10.1007/s00464-017-5457-5

Jones DB. Sung R., Weinberg C., et al. Three Dimensional Modeling May Improve Surgical Education and Clinical Practice. Surg Innov (2016) doi: 10.1177/1553350615607641.


Regulatory Status

Not Applicable. 

How we will use the funds raised

Funds will be used to purchase higher quality printers and supplies for model construction. 

To gather data and conduct and needs assessment of the orthopedic and sports medicine community. 

To incorporate and recruit artists and designers. 

Thank You

This project become an idea earlier this year when my athletic training class set out to purchase a senior gift for the program. We investigated this and we were shocked by the prices of basic models. 

I set out to create and cost effective model using the 3D printing lab at Ithaca College and building a relationship with the physics department. Two prototype were born including a dynamic L4-L5 disk model and an articulated foot and ankle with realistic ligaments surronding the subtalar and mortise joints. 

The next project underway is a glenohumeral joint model with interchangable injured structures so one model can simulate many pathologies. 

I thank you for your support and feel free to contact me at jpowell1@ithaca.edu




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Temple University College of Public Health

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