by Max Munn
The problem we solve: approx. 1.7 million people in the US become infected with a Healthcare-Acquired Infection (HAI) every year. An illness acquired in the hospital while being treated for something else. Of those, an estimated 99,000 people die. The estimated cost to the healthcare system is $45 Billion annually. HAI’s are preventable and the federal government (CMS) has stepped in to ensure the issue is being addressed by penalizing healthcare institutions for high infection rates. For healthcare facilities, a big part of the task is controlling the presence of infectious agents in the patient room. The challenge to destroy the pathogens in a healthcare facility is due in part to the current cleaning protocols which rely heavily on manual cleaning. Environmental Services staff are given minimal time for cleaning/disinfection patient rooms. eg.. 10 minutes per room. Some disinfectants require a 10-minute dwell time after being applied to the surface to be effective. Read more in our business plan
About our solution: Ongoing research continues to show that bathroom sink contamination is a critical problem. There are few options for cleaning and disinfection of sink drains short of removing the sink and scrubbing out the drain with bleach and scrub brushes. To effectively reduce the number of pathogens and potential cross contamination in this area, we have developed the SteriLumen Mirror. This disinfection device uses 275 nm UVC light on high-risk bathroom sink surfaces, thereby effectively reducing the bioburden, including difficult microbes such as C. difficile that can thrive on surfaces for months even after typical cleaning and disinfection.SteriLumen has been designed with guidance from Infection Prevention specialists, Facilities Directors and A&D professionals each of whom have areas of concern that need to be addressed in an area of high contamination. SteriLumen can be used every day even while patients are occupying the room. Our initial focus will be on the hospital patient room
Progress to date:
We have laboratory validation of the results [ destrying 99.99% of the 20 most dangerous pathogens iwith 2 hours of exposure] . Our prototype has been reveiwed at several major hospital design firmsand several hospitals are waiting for the first production units.
Our vision includes the development of a cloud-based software platform that will enable infection control professionals to track the use of the disinfecting device by reporting when it turns on and off as well as the length of time in use and the intervals. The design of the mirror includes an IOT (Internet of Things)-enabled programmable controller that transmits usage and performance data over the internet. We believe this platform has the potential to evolve into a much more powerful and robust tool to help infection prevention professionals, control, track, analyze and plan the use of various solutions they support a sustainable reduction of microbes ultimately reducing the number of HAI’s within a facitlity.
SteriLumen was developed with these objectives:
Creator: Max Munn
Location: New York
Education: M.I.T.
Bio: Entrepreneur and inventor of a patented disinfecting lit-mirror for hospital HAI control
Hospital Affiliation: N.A.
Title: CEO
Advanced Degree(s): B.Architecture
SteriLumen, Inc.
Location: 150 N. Macquesten Pkwy
Mt Vernon, NY 10550
Founded: 2017
Twitter: n.a.
Product Stage: In the Market
YTD Sales: Working on it
Employees: 1-2
Effective disinfection in a healthcare facility requires attention to detail. In a hospital bathroom, bacteria thrive in sink drains, splashing out when the faucet is turned on, contaminating the bowl, countertop, faucets and backsplash. In 2011-2012 the Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health faced an infection outbreak that originated from a sink drain, resulting in the deaths of 11 patients[1].
Ongoing research continues to show that bathroom sink contamination is a critical problem.[2] There are few options for cleaning and disinfection of sink drains short of removing the sink and scrubbing out the drain with bleach and scrub brushes.
To effectively reduce the number of pathogens and potential cross contamination in this area, we have developed the SteriLumen Mirror. This disinfection device uses 275 nm UVC light on high-risk bathroom sink surfaces, thereby effectively reducing the bioburden, including difficult microbes such as C. difficile that can thrive on surfaces for months even after typical cleaning and disinfection. SteriLumen has been designed with guidance from Infection Prevention specialists, Facilities Directors and A&D professionals each of whom have areas of concern that need to be addressed in an area of high contamination. SteriLumen can be used every day even while patients are occupying the room.
Our initial focus will be on the hospital patient room sink, and areas surrounding the sink. This same technology can be applied to other sinks in other locations throughout the hospital or health care facility. Eventually this product will be introduced to other related facilities such as assisted living, nursing homes, physician and dental clinics as well.
Our vision includes the development of a cloud-based software platform that will enable infection control professionals to track the use of the disinfecting device by reporting when it turns on and off as well as the length of time in use and the intervals. The design of the mirror includes an IOT (Internet of Things)-enabled programmable controller that transmits usage and performance data over the internet.
We believe this platform has the potential to evolve into a much more powerful and robust tool to help infection prevention professionals, control, track, analyze and plan the use of various solutions they support a sustainable reduction of microbes ultimately reducing the number of HAI’s within a facitlity.
SteriLumen was developed with these objectives:
Max Patent number 9,724,442 was issued by the Patent and Trademark Office on August 8, 2017 to Munn. This patent application focuses on a general disinfecting apparatus and not a mirror specifically, opening the way for the patent to cover product extensions besides the Disinfecting Mirror. Patents are also currently pending in China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and the EU. Additional patent applications for “related” fixtures have been recently filed. Further patent filing
Intellectual Property Summary
Patent number 9,724,442 was issued by the Patent and Trademark Office on August 8, 2017. This patent application focuses on a general disinfecting apparatus and not a mirror specifically, opening the way for the patent to cover product extensions besides the Disinfecting Mirror. Patents are also currently pending in China, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and the EU. Additional patent applications for “related” fixtures have been recently filed. Further patent filing are planned.
Patent Link use # 9724442
Clinical Information
Matthew Hardwick, CEO of ResInnova Laboratories, is a thought leader in the field of infection prevention in the healthcare environment and is an expert in antimicrobial surface technologies. ResInnova Laboratory, tests products that reduce pathogens on environmental surfaces including solid surfaces, such as doorknobs and tabletops, and porous surfaces, such as textiles. ( )
ResInnova Laboratories was contracted to provide third party independent laboratory validation testing during the design of the mirror. Based on test results the direction of the lights and strength of diodes was determined to ensure effective disinfection of the backsplash, sink and drain. Dr. Hardwick completed his testing and released his report on Sept 9, 2017.
Test Results
“ResInnova tested the bacteria killing ability of two MunnWorks UV-emitting mirror prototypes. The first prototype received demonstrated robust reduction of spore viability on backsplash surfaces. After one hour exposure, reductions approached 3 logs (99.9%) and surpassed 4 logs (99.99%) after 2 hours. This first prototype, however, had several deficiencies as it failed to reduce spore viability on faucet handles and on surfaces greater than 7 inches from the light source. It was decided by Munnworks to create a new prototype based on these results and we discontinued testing on the first prototype.
The second prototype increased the reach of the UV achieving a 2.94 log reduction of C diff. spores on the sink side edges (the rim of the sink approximately 14 inches away from the light source) after 2 hours. The second prototype also improved UV exposure to faucet handles achieving greater than 4 log spore reductions were seen after just 1 hour and 3.5 log reductions were seen at the sink drain after 2 hours of exposure. This prototype also showed a 3.56 log reduction in spores at the sink drain (no reductions were seen in the first prototype). No reductions were seen in the sink at points immediately adjacent to the sink wall proximal to the UV source or on the distal sink edge. This prototype also failed to deliver adequate UV to the backsplash.”
Regulatory Status
FDA approval is not required
How we will use the funds raised
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I have prepared a 44 page detailed business plan that I will email to anyone having a serious interest in further understanding this opportunity, including proforma 3 year financial projections in addition to the revenue projections shown below.
Market Size
Projected 3 Year Growth
Revenue Model
See financial section of the business plan attached
See competition section of the business plan attached
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