The problem we solve: The robot has a 6-axis arm of freedom and consists of 4 flexible instruments: liquid scalpel, vacuum suction, clamps and two cameras with LED lighting. This robotic arm will punch a small one-inch incision into the patient.
About our solution: The liquid scalpel will make a very fine and less damaging cut for surrounding tissue and the unique perforation will allow the patient to recover faster than the current robots on the market today.
Progress to date:
This invention has a provisional patent from the United States Patent Office. We have actually a digital prototype for presentation purposes. The product will be equipped with a simulator to train surgeons. The surgeon will be able to control the 6 axes of freedom of the robotic arm from his comfortable chair. The control can be done wirelessly or wired. The surgeon can determine with ample clarity and 3d, the part that will operate. The people in the operations room will see everything clearly on a screen the process of operation.
Creator: Ernst Etienne
Location: Florida
Bio: -Master of Science in Engineering Management -FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate - FAA Aircraft Dispatcher Certificate - Inventor
Title: Inventor
Advanced Degree(s): MS
Desfranches Robot-Assisted Surgery
Location: 3500 Plymouth Sorrento Rd
Apopka, FL 32712
Founded: 2018
Product Stage: Prototype/MVP
Employees: 5-10
Surgeons will be able to do more surgery in a period of time.
Intellectual Property Summary
US Provisional Patent
Clinical Information
The FDA approves the effectiveness of this type of device. In addition, robot-assisted surgeries are already on the market. This one simply improves the surgical process.
Regulatory Status
Refer to competitions as Da Vinci Assisted Surgery.
How we will use the funds raised
The manufacturer is ready to start working on the software, hardware, and simulator. Funding will be done in steps until it is completed. The manufacturer is responsible for all tests.
Thank You
Not only Desfranches robot-assisted surgery will be very effective, but the final product will also cost a lot less than those currently available on the market. So, patients and health insurance will expend less money on the surgeries. Du to the fact that the period of hospitalization will be very short, hospitals will be able to do more surgeries during a given period of time. Let's support this project. Who knows if you or a loved one, will not be the first to benefit from it?
Market Size
The market is worldwide. The wireless version can be for the industrialized counties and the system with wire connection will fit in third world countries.
Projected 3 Year Growth
We intend to achieve 30% market penetration within three years with gross margins at 45% as we will sell and lease the robots. This will produce considerable revenue by 2022.
Revenue Model
We will give to the facilities option to buy or to lease the robots.
The main competitor is Da Vinci robot-assisted surgery. Their product costs more than a million.
We have plenty of hospitals in Central America as well as in the Caribean countries ready to use our robots.
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