ArmHug: Portable Phlebotomy station

by Hennesys Disla

Manufacturing and packaging cost effective medical supply kits for nurses and mobile phlebotomists in NYC for COVID-19 response
Brooklyn, NY United States COVID-19 Home-Based Care Equity Raise WarOnCOVID challenge
Team Company Patients Physicians Hospital Partners Mission Innovation Details Investor Info Due Diligence Docs Supporters Comments Updates

About our project

The problem we solve: Healthcare personnel who are certified to perform blood draws in the U.S. alone are severely understaffed with only 3.5 million eligible to perform blood draws on a daily basis.The $8B Global blood collection market is continuing to grow as mobile care today is in demand due to social distancing concerns in our city. Research shows that nurses and phlebotomists are adequately trained to go mobile but supply shipment delays, supply shortages during this crises has significantly made it more difficult to do their job. One-of-kind mobile kits can provide mobile phlebotomists with supplies packaged per patient reducing the time per blood draw by 50% this can aid to improve vaccine and/or drug development for COVID-19 especially by sampling everyone in the population and not just one sample population. Purple Inc, is connecting e-commerce convenience and healthcare to provide a faster solution to market and can be a better solution for underserved communities at a global scale.

About our solution: The goal is to obtain a safe and fast blood draw procedure at home so the immune compromised and senior nursing home community do not need to attend the clinic to have this procedure completed. Our pilot group will be in NYC as it is the most dense population in U.S. and most likely to see spikes in COVID-19 cases in the next coming months. The population in New York is 8 million and 211K were confirmed cases in the New York State. The cases of recovery have yet to be determined. 618 nursing homes in NYC. 3 million adults in the U.S. are living with a disability and require assistance( and are not attending the clinic due to the low odds of receiving treatment. 1) ArmHug provides detailed instructions for usage so simple a trainee can read instructions as more staff are required for COVID-19 emergency response. 2) If you don't use all the supplies you can store it back in the kit. 3) The current website will provide a phlebotomist nearest you.

Progress to date:

ArmHug, Is a (class 1) medical device storage unit that will store packaged (phlebotomy starter kits). It holds supplies for up to 5 patient blood draws.

It also provides patient comfort; the patient can lay their arm on the top surface of the device for the blood draw procedure to start. 

  • An E-commerce website has launched and pre-orders have been made. 
  • A database proposal is in discussion with a technology consulting company focusing on digital health technologies and it will be available late in the fall to help build a platform on the website to allow mobile phlebotomists to get a job where they are needed the most. 
  • Our vision is to provide services to serve families locally and globally who can't make it to a clinic or commute due to disabilities, worsening disease and low quality of life. We want to make sure the underserved population does receive care provided they have insurance and need treatment. More so if they are willing to participate in COVID-19 research that can help all disease stricken families involved in this crises. 

*We have created the prototype and our milestone for early 2021 is to provide 600 products to those in need collecting blood at patients home and providing home heatlhcare.

About Our Team

Creator: Hennesys Disla

Location: New York

Bio: In 2016, I received a phlebotomy workshop certificate at Mount Sinai Hospital as part of my training for collecting blood for MS patients enrolling in clinical trials. I grew tired of asking patients to wait 43 minutes to 61 minutes to receive their blood draw for diagnostic treatment and/or testing. COVID-19 testing has amplified the need for more blood collection at home to avoid having patient crowds at the hospital/clinic. I have received phone calls about supply shortages for blood collection or mobile phlebotomists who were not available in the NYC area. Purple Inc, is a COVID-19 start-up building a mobile phlebotomy database so all resources for blood collection are on the website to provide faster care, and good mobile healthcare guidelines and practices.

Title: Founder & CEO

About Our Company

Purple Inc

Location: 33 Nassau Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11222

Founded: 2018


Twitter: @purpleiinc


Product Stage: Prototype/MVP

Employees: 1-2

How We Help Patients

We want patients to receive their treatment faster that means that they need to have blood draws as soon as their doctors request it. Which means phlebotomists need to be readily prepared to begin the blood draw procedure. ArmHug will be the phlebotomist most trusted partner to get the job done. 

How We Help Physicians

Purple Inc, will use the blood collection times and days to build a better database.

We will build a software to aggregate all this data and provide a model so if there is another pandemic in the future we can learn how mobile care can be improved for our most vulnerable patient population.

For example; we can measure how quickly we need to deploy resources and the importance of obtaining the sample blood collection and bringing it back to the lab for analysis can be improved. If there are roadblocks we can avoid in the future this data set will help adhere to what we can do and find alternatives for better outcomes. 

  • Providers don't need to ask their patients to come to the clinic anymore, a mobile phlebotomist can collect the blood and ask for it to be dropped off at the lab for analysis. The provider can wait for the labs to arrive and then call the patient to discuss further treatment that may or may not be required. This avoids having the patient commuting for just one blood draw and arriving at the hospital to wait for blood collection.
  • Imagine patients scheducling on their own time to perform a blood draw and having a phlebotomist in their own home to administer it properly. 

How We Help Hospitals

Less cancelled appointments and no more hour long wait times for blood draws at the clinic will increase patient satisfaction. 

How We Help Partners

Phlebotomists are always looking for work and we want to provide them with jobs that are necessary today, most phlebotomists are working with the immune compromised due to the pandemic and their are still concerns on the preparedness of these blood collections at the patients home.

  • What should they bring?
  • How can they make sure they are safe? 
  • How to prepare their workspace for a proper blood collection?

The following blood draws have been requested in regards to COVID -19

  1. Research blood draws
  2. Clincial trials/ pilot trials 
  3. Treatment blood collection 
  4. Diagnostic blood collection 

Challenge Mission

COVID Problem We Address

We want to help mitigate the risk of getting infected at the hospital and clinic with COVID-19. Blood collection labs and centers are constantly crowded. We want to help by producing ready-made portable kits & building a database for mobile phlebotomists to collect blood for patients at home, reinforcing the importance of at home healthcare to reduce infection/ risk of COVID-19.

We serve: 

  • The immune compromised popoulation 
  • senior communtiy / nursing homes 
  • Adults & kids

Our COVID Solution

I am working directly with mobile phlebotomists and travel nurses who are constantly providing mobile care especially now with COVID-19. 


  • Insurance companies
  • Research lab technicians drawing blood for Human clinical trials

I am calling phlebotomists and asking them what their pain points are. over 60% reported not finding the right supplies or connecting to patients in their area who are looking for their services. They travel far to find patients who need their services.

Purple Inc, is a platform to connect both needs of the phlebotomist and the patient as a seamless transaction. I have asked a group of phlebotomists to try the product for client feedback and In return I found ways to help them find jobs nearest their location. 

I have been speaking with providers who are asking patients to stay home and schedule a blood draw for labs so that they don't miss their follow-up lab. The doctor can continue to monitor the patients health (ex. drug treatment) and if they are a confirmed COVID-19 case their labs will be able to provide proof and the proper steps for the appropiate care. 

Innovation Details

Intellectual Property Summary

The patent was filed and published in 2018 by Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Purple Inc, is working to bring this to the next stage of commercialization. 

Patent Link

Clinical Information

FDA approval is required with our manuufacturing partners and suppliers not at the responisbilty of our consumers or healthcare personnel.  

Regulatory Status

FDA Approval is not required for commercial use; you are allowed to purchase it and use ith your patients as it will be manufactrued by a FDA certified medical device manufacturer.

How we will use the funds raised

We are raising funds to supply Armhug kits to areas who have been most affected by COVID-19. We will also use the funds for manufacturing, shippiment & handling. We are pre-selling and collecting an ample amount of orders and we will be using the profits to continue to sell more product to achieve financial stability. We received a grant fund and we raised $100,000 in seed funding. In the past 12 months we achieved 30K in funding to continue our efforts, we will not disclose the source as it was a private investor. We are seeking an additional 500K to our first seed funding round. Our budget as listed in our profit and loss statement is currently 20K estimated expenses in 2020. 

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about us. Your are welcome to reach out to us, ask questions on the comment area, or just select from the various options at the right. We look forward to working with you and spreading the awareness for at home health care.

Your friends,

Team Purple < 3

Investor Info

Market Size

According to National Center for Biotechnology Information the phlebotomy and nursing shortages are a critical part of healthcare and make up the largest section of the health profession and the estimated size of target population: Domestic: 30 million / Globally: 90 million. The global blood collection market was valued at $8.50 Billion by 2018 and is projected to register growth at a CAGR of 6.6% over the forecast period

(1) Grandview research: market

Projected 3 Year Growth

Within three years with gross margins are above 70%. This will produce 1M in revenue in 2024 and will allow us to expand our platform to include products and services that will be tailored to the phlebotomist needs. 

Revenue Model

Clinics, hospitals and insurance companies are our key customers and subscribers as they can help providers monitor patients who are disease stricken and when providers order blood tests; we can assign a mobile phlebotomist to collect the blood at the patients home.

  • Purple Inc, will have mobile phlebotomists sign-up for FREE on the website database.
  • Purple Inc, will use this information to match them to an appropriate patient who was referred to them by a provider. 
  • Mobile phlebotomist will be assigned a date, time and location nearest to them. 
  • Purple Inc, will even provide a kits around in partnering clinics in the city so phlebotomists can pick them up and blood collection can happen faster rather than waiting for it in the mail. 
  • Therefore, each job the phlebotomist completes Purple Inc will pay them and provide supplies. The phlebotomists does not need to pay for the supplies, they are assigned a job and will get  get paid once the blood collection is completed. 
  • Purple Inc, will monitor when the blood is collected and dropped off at the lab and brought back to the lab for analysis so the provider can speak with the patient about lab results. 


Our competitors will not provide a portable phlebotomy station & kit as this is a medical device that can only be found on our website and it provides a solution that will provide data information that is difficult to acquire otherwise. The competitors: Don't provide a lid for their kits and are not user friendly (not enough storage room for supplies) and more expensive making it a difficult buy for mobile phlebotomists. Most mobile phlebotomists have to change their baskets often because of poor quality & make sure they don't drop everything while on the run making them slower on the job.  

  • ArmHug reduces the time for a blood draw by 50% getting patient diagnosis faster, and increasing revenues to the lab/clinic. This is mainly due to a shortage of phlebotomists and the tme it takes them to perform a blood draw (average of 8 minutes). The blood kit can be re-supplied, re-used and recycled when disposed safely. 


We have pre-orders and we are in discussion with mobile phlebotomy companies to be their medical supplier in the near future.

  • ArmHug solution serves an estimated 81 phlebotomists in the U.S. at this time( number of preorders)
  • The partnership we have with Bruen medical partners serves 213 phlebotomists a week. In one Year we would like to serve over 99,000 phlebotomists. 

In 5 years, We would like to expand outside of our borders and help patients in Europe who have insurance and need a blood test to receive treatment or monitor their health and have difficulty making it to the clinic and or hospital that's an average. ArmHug can help serve an additional 25 million travel nurses, nursing assistants and first aid blood drives to rural parts outside the U.S.

Due Diligence Docs

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