About our project

HEARTPartner helps people take the first step, and then stay, on the path to Heart Health…

HEARTPartner by Lyfechannel helps patients take their first steps (and the next three hundred) towards building the core habits of Heart Health. We help translate awareness into knowledge, knowledge into action, and action to longevity.

How We Solve the Problem

HEARTPartner matches ‘heart journeys’ to individuals, catalyzes personal support teams, and opens care provider windows into patient progress between appointments.

HEARTPartner by Lyfechannel offers personalized mobile-phone-based programs to help patients build core habits in diet, activity level and adherence delivered to patient phones in short bursts of 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

HEARTPartner helps patients’ supporters more EASILY be GREAT supporters, facilitating patient/supporter engagement at the right time, in the right format, with the right message to support the patient on their heart health journey. Picture yourself on day 25 of your heart health journey, internally debating a brisk walk vs. skipping it for the fourth consecutive day to watch a little NCIS (It’s a new episode!) and a message hits your phone from your best friend that says “Hit the play button on this message and listen to the 10 minute ‘WALK MIX’ I put together for you – let me know what you think! – Paul” Shoes on. Activity begins!

The HEARTPartner experiences are integrated into an Allscripts (and Bluebutton) module that gives care providers insight into the actions that patients are taking in pursuing heart health. The fully-permissioned data sharing lets the care provider “e-prescribe” individual content and also get insight into their entire patient population’s heart health status.

HEARTPartner by Lyfechannel creates easy on ramps to individual heart health programs, actively supported by personal support teams and informed care providers to help patients build the heart healthy habits of diet, physical activity and adherence.

How HEARTPartner works?

Patients begin by following one of many easy on-ramps to the HEARTPartner experience – an SMS-based heart health assessment (all risk assessments powered by Kaiser/Archimedes), an in-office tablet-based assessment, test results from a Walgreen’s lab panel or Allscripts-enabled doctor. At this point they have taken the first step towards heart health – an understanding of what their personal heart health priorities should be.

Based on the priorities surfaced in the heart health assessment, the HEARTPartner app configures an individualized education and habit building experience to lead the patient to developing life long habits in diet, activity level and adherence.

Patients can add in their own high quality free and paid content to be incorporated into their heart health journey (in v2, the HCP can also add in content)

The patient then identifies their personal support team and HEARTPartner engages the support team for program content.

The patient begins to consume the heart health journey content that is delivered in bite size pieces and also update their performance indicators in a data-drip:

The Health Care Professional who has LINKED their Allscripts implementation to a set of HEARTPartner apps can see the patient progress through the education programs and changes in health indicators.

The HCP can also generate heart health assessments and attach them to the health records of their patients and identify patients who indicators are out of date.


The SECRET SAUCE of the content engine uses two behavioral models to change the flow of content to the patient based on 1) engagement level, 2) progress through programs, 3) changes in health indicators and 4) responses to survey questions.

Continue to build heart healthy habits in diet, activity level and adherence and live a long, long life.

Clinical Proof to Date

There is no clinical proof to-date for HEARTPartner. We plan to conduct a managed clinical pilot in Q2 in partnership with Allscripts and 2-3 hospital/doctor groups. We have test results from previous Lyfechannel health programs utilizing mobile experiences and managed support teams that suggest our program will have success enrolling patients, that we will have a very high support team partipation rate and that patients will complete health programs at a significantly higher rate than patients reading paper or self-educating online. There are research results behind the two behavior models we use to optimize the content delivery to patients: WHO: Adherence to Long-Term Therapies: Evidence for Action (http://www.who.int/chp/knowledge/publications/adherence_report/en/) and the BJ Fogg/Stanford Behavior Lab model (http://www.behaviormodel.org/).

FDA Status

We do not make medical recommendations (or else they are clearly sourced from other trusted sources) and are not a device, so we are not yet pursuing FDA certification.

How your project will help reduce cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20% by 2020

The HEARTPartner experience by Lyfechannel addresses a complementary patient group relative to most CVD programs. We’re not capturing stats from “quantified self” fanatics, we’re not monitoring the extremely high risk and we’re not hitting CVD patients with constant reminders to make smart choices. We are helping that large group of patients that are early in a heart health journey or are just not taking important first steps. For the million of doctor/patient conversations that begin with “you probably need to start thinking about making some changes…” we are going to add the sentence “I’d love for you to spend four weeks with HEARTPartner and see if we can begin to build some good habits. By 2020 we will be eliminating second heart attacks in patients that never chose to take action and removing first heart attacks from people who three years prior decided to text MYHEART to 41411 and made a life change. HEARTPartner will translate awareness into knowledge, knowledge into action, and action to longevity.’

HEARTPartner is designed for patients:

HEARTPartner is the first heart health program that understands the new reality of engagement – the available moments of patient impact come unscheduled in blocks of 30 seconds to 3 minutes. The typical busy, stressed, under-active, less-than-ideal-nutrition patient isn’t sitting down to learn about heart health until they become a first-heart-attack statistic. We come to them and let them design their personal journey that leads to a heart healthy life.

HEARTPartner also enables personal support teams to effortlessly maintain the attention and enthusiasm that is typical of the early days of patient’s health journey. Our curated support team engagement around the inflection points and milestones of a heart health journey will dramatically increase the long-term engagement/adherence of our members and deliver new habits in diet, activity and adherence.

Finally, through our connectivity to HCPs we will help bring incremental attention to those patients that need it the most.

Patients are going to love HEARTPartner. Here is our ambassador t-shirt for donations greater than $25.00.

How We Help Doctors

The HEARTPartner program brings three great benefits to physicians and physician practices.

  1. We help you translate your “instruction” into patient “action”. You deeply care for your patients and you know that the health behaviors that have brought them to the beginning of their heart health journey are not going to change overnight. Instead of you infinitely-xeroxed set of hypertension instructions or super-glossy-folder of information, you are going to give your patients access to a program that meets them in the way that they choose to engage with the priorities you have for their heart health.
  2. We give you a ‘between appointment’ window into patient progress. It’s impossible to follow up with every patient frequently enough to identify your patients who are not embracing heart health (or didn’t understand) and are setting themselves on a path to their next major heart event. The Allscripts Physician Module gives health care professionals a window into patient engagement and health indicator progress which might inform which patients they suggest schedule an “early” follow up.
  3. We enable doctor groups to begin to explore ‘population health management’ Every physician group should be in the early stages of “population health management”, putting in place new tools to help them understand how physician recommendations and patient actions impact long term outcomes. Our Allscripts integration provides population analytics to help physicians surface patients who may be at additional risk, quantify the impact of recommendations and actions and benchmark their practices against other Allscripts installations. We’re at the beginning of the story of accountable care and the HEARTPartner population management tools will help lay the data groundwork around heart health.

How We Help Hospitals and Instituions

The HEARTPartner experience combines a next generation patient experience which translates physician instruction into patient action. On the provider side are a set of tools which provide detailed analytics of population heart health, the impact of the HEARTPartner program, and benchmarking indices vs. other provider organizations.

In anticipation of the evolving landscape of accountable care, every provider organization should be trialing new tools and programs which quantify actions and outcomes and help those institutions begin to understand the levers they are going to be able to “pull” to manage population health.

How We Help Our Partners

Accountable care trends are in the early stages of transforming the economics and participant roles in patient health. In ten years a pharma company may get compensated for the total health of a patient instead of the cost of the meds they purchased. Payers are trying to figure out what metrics of actions and outcomes they can attach “accountability” and therefore reimbursement to and what provider/patient interactions they should be looking for.

The HEARTPartner experience (as well as our other programs in Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes and COPD) will be generating rich datasets linking the “actions” and “outcomes” of this program and CVD which should be informing pharma product strategy and payer compensation programs,

How We Will Use Your Contributions

Our iOS app is code complete and the Allscripts module is scheduled to be delivered to Allscripts in mid-March. We will use the proceeds of our Medstartr campaign to:

  1. Upgrade our custom content platform to support “premium” paid content, e.g., the Mayo Healthy Heart program
  2. Build out the Android and Windows versions of our patient-facing app
  3. Deliver 4-6 HEARTPartner physician group pilots and build out an initial accountable care model
  4. Build a web-based physician portal that supplies patient health management tools to physicians that are not on the Allscripts platform.

Our Team

Founder Dave Vockell – alpha programmer, ex-Yahoo!, ex-Booz Allen, deep digital pharma experience
LinkedIn e-mail

Medical Director Ankur Saraiya, MD – board certified in general and forensic psychiatry, Columbia Med, attending psych at Bellevue LinkedIn ankur@lyfechannel.com

Engineering Lead – Ariel Crystal – leads overseas dev team, has developed more than 20 health and wellness apps in the app store ariel@lyfechannel.com

Patient Engagement Advisor – Debbie Johnson, CFO American Diabetes Association, LinkedIn

Digital Patient/Payer Advisor – Utkarsh Patel, Humana Head of Digital Engagement LinkedIn


For $5 or more

0 Supporter(s)

PATIENTS: We appreciate your wonderful support of HEARTPartner in our quest to eliminate heart disease and we want to shout it to the world. This June, during the Heart Association Heart Walk, every person that has donated $5 we will shout their name (or whatever name you choose) at the top of our lungs so everyone can appreciate your commitment to heart health. We also commit to fund raise an amount equal to our $5 donation population in support of the life saving mission of the AHA. You also get a tax deductible receipt (as you do for all rewards.)

For $25 or more

6 Supporter(s)

PATIENTS: You are a true supporter of heart health and we would like to officially make you a heart health ambassador. At this level we will send you a HEART AMBASSADOR t-shirt you can wear to encourage people to take the first step in their heart health journey. See image on the left

For $50 or more

5 Supporter(s)

PATIENTS: Your desire to change the trajectory of cardiovascular disease in this country deserves it’s own heart health program. At this level we will be sending you a HEART AMBASSADOR t-shirt with your own personal SMS heart health on-ramp phone number. We will let you know how many people you have influenced to complete a heart health assessment, complete their diagnostic tests and initiate a heart health journey. You will know your impact on Cardiovascular Disease.

For $100 or more

1 Supporter(s)

DOCTORS: We appreciate your support and want you to join our heart healthy program. Do you have a favorite set of instructions, actions, protocols, videos that have served your patients well that you think should be part of the HEARTPartner curriculum? At this level we will convert your materials (limited by copyright) into HEARTPartner program. You can name the module and will be attributed in the content description.

For $500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

HOSPITALS: We will build you a custom SMS Heart Health assessment and run a six month trial with you to evaluate its impact on awareness and action within your heart health population. It will be similar to Text MYHEART to 41411 with a custom keyword for your hospital, custom graphics for the patient report and usage analytics available to your organization. We’ll help you build and early understanding of patient engagement in mobile health programs.

For $1000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

DOCTORS : if you are not an Allscripts-connected office but still want the benefits of a patient population connected to you through their HEARTPartner experience, we will build you a custom web experience that will let you complete heart health assessments, connect to HEARTPartner patients through their app and begin to collect patient outcome metrics. If you are an Allscripts partner with fewer than 10 physicians, we’ll give you 24 months of the HEARTPartner module at no cost.

For $1500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

HOSPITALS: If you are an Allscripts installation we will include you in our pilot program group in Q2 and provide HEARTPartner analytics and patient support for 12 months.

For $5000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

PARTNERS: Participate with us as a design partner and program participant at one of our Allscripts pilot sites. Help us design the metrics, actions and outcomes that may feed your business strategy in the future and we will design this pilot to be as valuable to you as it is to us. You will have product design participation, aggregated data insight and brand presence. We’ll bring the partner unless you have one you are already working closely with.

For $15000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (1 left of 1 )

PARTNERS: A partner at this level will have design input, brand presence and data access to all of our HEARTPartner programs for the next 12 months (except for those individual pilot sites secured at Partner Level 1. We will also provide messaging inventory within the patient experience as well as opportunities for quarterly HEARTPartner patient surveys.

For $25000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (1 left of 1 )

PARTNERS: We will deploy a custom app and Allscripts module for a partner at this level. Uniquely deployed in the app store, a separate stand alone module in the Allscripts “app store” and independent analytics and population reporting that is unique to your users and their participation in the project.

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