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  • This project was successfully funded on 2015-01-08

About our project

This project is a finalist in the American Heart Association Challenge. To see the rest of the finalists, please visit

Overview: Human Telemetry routes personal health data recorded by your own pacemaker/defibrillator onto your personal smartphone via an app that can help you manage chronic diseases including Heart Failure and Heart Rhythm troubles for patients and doctors. We believe collaboration is key to the best care possible.

Do You Believe in the Power of Mobile Health? So Do I! Read On and Understand How One Mobile App Could Save Billions

Hospital networks in the United States treat 5.7 million people with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). The CDC reports that CHF costs the U.S. $34.4 billion per year. CHF is more costly than all cancers combined, and is the leading cause of hospitalization in people over 65.

Implanted cardiac devices (Which are Awesome Wireless Machines) have become standard of care for expensive cardiac disease, including CHF. In fact, over 3 million Americans have an implanted cardiac device. These devices, such as pacemakers and defibrillators are ripe with physiologic data, called biometric device-based data (DBD) that can be used through remote monitoring to improve health and quality of life.

The use of remote monitored DBD, unfortunately, is limited for most hospitals and patients because no IT infrastructure exists to connect cardiac device information back to patients and to doctors and to the Electronic Health Record.

Because of this lack in IT infrastructure, the following situation exists: Thousands of CHF patients are accumulating fluid in their lungs each day but are not yet symptomatic. However, the patients’ pacemakers and defibrillators algorithmically detect changes in metrics linked to fluid accumulation and store this information as biometric DBD, even before the patient has symptoms! Unfortunately, that data is not delivered efficiently and acted upon. Instead, fluid continues to accumulate in patients’ lungs for days to weeks until they are symptomatic and require Emergency Room or hospital treatment.

In the Emergency Room or hospital, DBD is retrospectively reviewed and revealing the red flags of days to weeks ago. This retrospective CHF management cycle occurs repeatedly, even in advanced, large city medical systems. If biometric DBD was analyzed and routed in near real-time to PATIENTS, Their Families and Caregivers, and mHealth docs-on-call, many CHF Emergency visits and hospitalizations would be prevented, SAVING Billion$$$!!!

Human Telemetry can route this Device Based Biometric Data in near-real time securely onto a mobile application and onto the smartphones of patients, their caregivers and to their heart doctors and transform the way Heart Patients are treated.

So, how does Human Telemetry do this? What is the Secret in Our Sauce?

Our secret is that we have supreme confidence in the ability of patients to understand and learn from their own bodies.

Our design inspiration has been the award-winning Yahoo! Weather app—clean, uncluttered and informative. Chances are, You are not a Meteorology Expert, but…You can understand the Weather and how it affects your life. It can be the same for Heart Disease! If given back YOUR own bodies’ internal information in a clean, uncluttered, simply descriptive form, then YOU can be increasingly pro-active and vigilant towards your Health and Quality of Life without being a Cardiologist. The President of Human Telemetry manages over 7,000 Patients with Implantable Cardiac Devices and Assures You that You Can Do It!!

How does Human Telemetry work?

Human Telemetry is contracting with akaCRM, LLC, a Silver Cloud Alliance Partner to to aid in IT infrastructure development upon the Salesforce1 HIPAA compliant cloud along with HL7 connectivity into the EPIC EHR system. As well, Human Telemetry is partnering with one of the world’s largest cardiac device manufacturers and Community Health Network, Indianapolis to trial the near-real time patient engaged impact of mobile heart failure and arrhythmia biometrics on clinical outcomes and health care utilization metrics derived from the documentation, and billing/coding metrics within the EPIC EHR.

Our mobile application currently in design will include intuitive imagery, bubble notifications, and explanatory links. Our modeling and application design is envisaged with the idea that as most do not understand meteorology but can understand the weather, likewise most do not understand human physiology but will be able through learned behavior and correlation to understand Heart Failure biometrics as they relate to them personally. Back door analytics will allow us to monitor behavioral mobile application tendencies and effectiveness.

Clinical Proof to date

In the Rapid-RF trial sponsored by Boston Scientific, remote monitoring was used to reduce Heart Failure related events and hospitalization year-over-year from 40% to 20%. That is an absolute reduction of 20% and a relative reduction of a Whopping 50%!! Amazing! Even more exciting, however, is the opportunity that yet awaits. In the Rapid-RF trial, the time from a Heart Failure related cardiac device-sensed physiological alert to physician notification was on average 4.7 days PLUS an additional 1.7 days on average until physician intervention with the patient. Imagine the upside of Human Telemetry’s application that can provide the same information for the first time ever To The Patient and Physician within Minutes! Kaboom!! Here is the Rapid-RF Clinical Trial Link, Enjoy!

FDA Status

The Human Telemetry application is initially being used in an IRB approved clinical trial.

How your project will help reduce cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20% by 2020

By routing valuable information to those to whom it matters, Human Telemetry will help patients nip both acute and chronic condition exacerbations in the bud. We will change the time to action of cardiac implantable device diagnostics from days/weeks to minutes/hours. Real-Time Wellness Through Biometrics!

How We Help Patients:

By providing biometric data, Human Telemetry will enable patients to better self-manage their chronic CHF disease and provide “early warning” signals to both patients and their healthcare providers. Empowering patients and healthcare providers with near real-time data that is understandable and actionable will increase care quality, improve CHF management efficiency, and reduce emergency visits and hospitalizations, thereby reducing CHF cost for patients, providers, and payers.

How We Help Clinicians:

Colleagues, whether you are on EPIC or another EHR or still on paper-and-pen, no matter if you use PaceArt or ScottCare, Human Telemetry can advance information to you to help expedite the treatment of your patients. I know many of you are stretched in your IT capabilities whether in private practice or by institutional budgetary constraints. I know many of you are frustrated that the every 31-day biometric billing rules provide economic constraints in managing this data. The fact is that a third party like Human Telemetry will be necessary to marry the competencies of Device Companies, Hospitals, Payers and Patients. If these parties could have meshed their gears together to make this level of patient engagement work they already would have.

We have to start helping patients by helping them help themselves through use of biometric data. I show patients their biometric data on my computer screen every time they come into the office. Many who see it for the first time had No Idea this information existed and how powerful it can be in managing their disease. They get it, They love it, They want it.

We have mandated in our laboratories that every patient be paired with their device and enrolled in remote monitoring at the time of implant. No one leaves the door without it. Our HCAHPS and CG-CAHPS and survey commentary have reflected this. I am so passionate and convinced about the immense value of this data through its efficient use.

We have assembled an amazing team of Device Clinic nurses, Heart Failure NPs and docs, and EP NPs and Docs at Community Health Network in Indy who are all over this data and have a 2014 30-day readmission rate so far of an amazing 10%. I do EP call only and am constantly logging in to Biotronik’s Home Monitoring, St. Jude’s Merlin, Medtronic’s Carelink and Boston’s Latitude, asking patients to transmit manual remotes, and jumping all over their arrhythmia burdens and thoracic impedances. I can’t even begin to tell you how many new onset atrial fibbers we have anti-coagulated within 24 hours.

I am so proud of my team, and I am absolutely convinced that we can knock down Heart Failure admissions, TIAs and Strokes to levels never seen by routing this information to ourselves and our patients and their consented family members as fast and as simply understandable as possible. I have spent the last 3 years of my life and wrote a Master’s Thesis for my MBA to make this happen and we are just months away and few bucks short of getting the computers plugged in just right and a trial up and running.

And these Cardiac Devices that I specialize in are only the beginning. There are many other devices: consumer devices, insulin pumps, neurostimulators, CPAP machines, home diagnostic laboratory machines, etc.. that have data needing to be properly routed to fully extract time-dependent value. How do you connect all of this data and route it to those to whom it matters? That is a biggie but the place to start is with the devices that already exist and already treat the most expensive disease in our great country! I strongly encourage you to jump aboard the Human Telemetry train and drive the Golden Spike in this Crowdfunding track.

How We Help Hospitals:

We firmly believe, based on the Rapid-RF data, that our application will provide value to hospitals by reducing Heart Failure admissions and re-admissions. This is a practical innovation for all, but especially for those in an ACO model and those subject to re-admission penalties. We also believe that it will provide hospitals with an incredible learning experience for the coming wave of Telemedicine.

How We Help Our Partners:

Human Telemetry helps devices companies by exposing the full value of their pacemakers’ and defibrillators’ biometrics and intellectual property. We will also be able to pre-enroll patients into remote monitoring systems and identify which pacemakers and defibrillators we intend to implant in each patient. This will allow for upstream penetration of real demand and aid in the financial burdens of inventory management as identified in the following white paper from DHL entitled Transformation of the U.S. Medical Device Supply Chain

How We Will Spend Your Contributions:

We will use your contributions to make the final required computer connections and fund our clinical trial.

Who We Are:

President: Chad E. Bonhomme, MD, MBA, CCDS: LinkedIn
Chief Executive Officer: Chris O’Connor Bonhomme, MD, MBA, FAAFP: LinkedIn
Chief Marketing Officer: Tracy Myerson, MBA: LinkedIn
Chief Wisdom Officer: Patrick Finnerty, MBA: LinkedIn

Find Us

Twitter @HumanTelemetry

Thank You

With deep sincerity I thank you for your support, Chad and Team Human Telemetry
We can save our Great Country Billions. Please Support Telemedicine and Human Telemetry


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Show the world you care about this problem and want it solved. In return we will do our best to solve it and know we are doing it for you. We will send you a Human Telemetry computer sticker.

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FOR PARTNERS, ADVISERS OR INVESTORS: BUY US A CUP OF COFFEE and we will come to you anywhere local to any of our founders to demo the product or talk about the project and our plans on a deeper level and see how we can help each other out. For non-local meetings, please See the FLY US version below.

For $ 15 or more

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All of the above and get a Human Telemetry “Real-Time Wellness Thru Biometrics” T-Shirt to show everyone you are part of the solution!

For $ 100 or more

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All of the above AND an invitation to one of my Cardiac Device Patient Support Parties so you can personally meet many of the patients you are helping!

For $ 125 or more

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DOCTORS: Help Your patients get better faster with Human Telemetry and show the world you care about this problem and want it solved. In return we will do our best to solve it and know we are doing it for you. Here and on our website, in perpetuity, we will list you and your practice as PIONEER SPONSORS with our sincere thanks.

For $ 150 or more

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DOCTORS: All the above AND Human Telemetry Pro V1 golf balls that NEVER 2 putt—Guaranteed!

For $ 255 or more

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FOR PARTNERS, ADVISERS OR INVESTORS: FLY US A CUP OF COFFEE and we will come to you anywhere in the continental United States to demo the product and talk about the project and our plans on a deeper level to see how we can help each other out. For local meetings, please See the BUY US version above.

For $ 1000 or more

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All of the above AND I will come to your practice and discuss how you can become a Pilot Site as well.

For $ 2500 or more

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HOSPITALS: All of the above and I will come to your institution and personally demo Human Telemetry.

For $ 10000 or more

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PARTNERS: I will come to your institution, demo Human Telemetry, spread some cheer, bring some ProV1 golf balls and T-Shirts.

For $ 25000 or more

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PARTNERS: All of the above and I will put you on our website as a cherished sponsor.

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