About our project

America cannot afford for the political debate over end-of-life health care to follow the current trend of polarized gridlock. It’s time for a real conversation to replace the finger pointing around the “Death Panels” rhetoric. The first step is to re-frame the “Death Panels” debate. By articulating the importance of vital issues (such as palliative care reimbursement) in soul-convicting theological terms, DeathPanels.com will spark a faith-based Great Awakening for the future of end-of-life health care in America. Please support this project and spread the word!


For $1 or more

0 Supporter(s)

Our eternal gratitude for helping to kickstart a spiritual movement to reshape the future of end-of-life health care in America.

For $25 or more

0 Supporter(s)

Your very own personal DeathPanels.com bumper sticker!

For $50 or more

0 Supporter(s)

Limited Edition T-shirt sporting the edgy DeathPanels.com political cartoon: "America Bankrupt: Christians Refuse to go to Heaven". Need a gag gift for family, friends or colleagues? This T-shirt will be a fun gift to give!

For $100 or more

0 Supporter(s)

Two political cartoon T-shirts and two DeathPanels.com bumper stickers!

For $250 or more

0 Supporter(s)

Three T-shirts, three bumper stickers, Rev. Billy Graham's book _Nearing Home_ and Dr. Ira Byock's book _The Best Care Possible_

For $500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

Four T-shirts, four bumper stickers, and recognition as the founder of the DeathPanels.com conversation for your city (individual or organization)

For $750 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (50 left of 50 )

Five T-shirts, five bumper stickers, and recognition as the founder of the DeathPanels.com conversation for your state (individual or organization)

For $1000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (25 left of 25 )

Seven T-shirts, seven bumper stickers and membership on the DeathPanels.com Board of Advisers with access to influence over strategy, content, process for the national DeathPanels.com forum (individual or organization may appoint member to Board of Advisers)

For $2500 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (10 left of 10 )

Ten bumper stickers, five T-shirts, and a full day of executive clinician consultation from Hopecare, Inc. (a $5000 value - see www.hopecare.com)

For $5000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (2 left of 2 )

Recognition as the National Founder (or Co-Founder see *stipulations below) of the DeathPanels.com forum with the authority to appoint the Executive Chair (or Co-Chair, see *stipulations below) of the DeathPanels.com Board of Advisers. *This award requires a minimum gift of $5000. The first individual or organization to give $5000 is guaranteed this award. However, it is also possible for one other organization/individual to be named Co-Founder/Co-Chair. However, the second seat is an auction award with a $5000 minimum and no maximum. Auction ends simultaneous wit this Medstartr project deadline.

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