About our project

This project is a finalist in the 2015 AHA NYC Challenge. Find and fund all the finalists here and come see the winners at the Health Sciences Forum on April 22nd in NYC.

Thanks to the support of NYCBIO, all donations to this project are Tax Deductible. To learn more about NYCBIO, please visit NYCBio.com.


Mevoked is building digital therapeutics for mental health. The base technology is an analytics platform that correlates online, mobile and social data to behavioral health. We have a clinical partnership with Mayo Clinic to use the platform for patients who have been diagnosed with depression. By using 6 to 12 week programs, Mevoked can be recommended (similar to a digital therapeutic) to patients, who have cancer, diabetes, heart disease or even stress/anxiety. The platform can be customized to focus on patient data collection, patient education or even real-time interventions. Ultimately we would like to see Mevoked address the mental health needs of disease management.

How important is mental health to managing and surviving chronic diseases?

Very! Physical and mental health are fundamentally linked, yet health systems tend to address them separately. Nowhere is this more evident a problem than in the area of chronic conditions. Poor mental health and mental illness are risk factors for chronic physical conditions and people living with chronic conditions often experience poor mental health. Mevoked’s focus is the 34 million American adults with a medical condition (co-occurring physical health condition) who also have a mental health condition.

Changing the way mental health is treated and managed

We have repurposed the machine learning and algorithms you normally see used in online and mobile advertising technology to better understand the user’s state of mind. We interact with patients in real-time to help with coping mechanisms, education, behavioral activation and even assessing risk. The technology advances in mental health tend to be therapy based, there are innovative models around computer based therapy but the delivery mechanisms are found to be lacking. Mevoked’s platform uses passive analytics to deliver these therapies effectively and in real-time.

How Mevoked Works:

• The core technology is an online + mobile + social behavior analysis engine.
• The algorithm identifies relevant data and predicts user behavior based on the websites and actions users take — think of ad technology being repurposed for mental health.
• The algorithm provides real-time analysis by using machine learning + iterative algorithm development.
• The algorithm also includes external factors such as time, day, news events, weather, and more.
• The data from the patient is private and not accessible by anyone other than the patient. We treat this data similar to anything under HIPAA
• The only data that can be seen by the clinician or care-coordinator is the response to the interactions Mevoked displays. These can vary from interactions about mood, sleep, medication adherence etc.
• In essence Mevoked is a digital therapeutic for mental health.

To see this visually, please see the diagram below:

Clinical Proof to date

The Mayo Clinic is a collaborator and investor (http://www.mevoked.com/press_release_Mayo). We have started the Phase I study with Mayo Clinic and will be launching a follow up in eight weeks. It is early in the cycle to give results, but there will be conclusive data in 10 – 12 weeks.

FDA Status

We have talked to the FDA and at this time we do not need FDA approval.

How Mevoked will help reduce cardiovascular disease and stroke by 20% by 2020

There is data that states individuals with mental health disorders are twice as likely to have heart disease or stroke. Their condition needs to be managed and Mevoked can help. There is also a greater opportunity to help manage the mental health of patients who already have cardiovascular disease and stroke. We believe Mevoked can not only help reduce cardiovascular disease and stroke but help patients who are going through these conditions better manage them. There was recently a great article in Time Magazine that delves deeper into this topic.

Depression is a very strong factor in helping prevent or manage heart disease. By creating solutions that can enforce positive behavioral change you can change the way heart disease is treated and managed. Mental health and chronic disease management go hand in hand. A lot of the focus has been on effectively managing the condition from a physical standpoint; we want Mevoked to support that effort through addressing the mental health aspect.

How We Help Patients:

Depression is not a standalone disease in most cases. Patients tend to have other conditions that could cause the depression or that the depression is causing. Mevoked can adapt to patients on what they are going through and truly address the mental health effectively. Our Mayo Clinic study is focusing on depression but we are in the process of setting up pilots with diabetics, cancer patients and even surgery recovery. Mental health solutions need to be smarter; we believe Mevoked is a good first step.

How We Help Doctors:

By creating an effective patient engagement solution, we can help reduce costs and improve outcomes. The tool is as flexible as you need it to be, this allows us to help you better engage and treat your patients. Also with the shift to a more value based approach, Mevoked fits the evolving ecosystem well and can put you ahead of the curve. We empower patients, care-coordinators, clinicians and even families to better address mental health.

How We Help Hospitals, Institutions, and/ or Medical Facilities:

Healthcare is moving towards a model where value-based solutions are going to be used more. There is also the new emerging role of the care-coordinator. Mevoked allows for greater efficiency while reducing costs (quite substantial) and improving outcomes. Our aim is to make your life 5% easier, and build on that success.

Progress to Date

As noted previously, we are running a clinical study with Mayo Clinic. The study is ongoing and being tested on patients who have been diagnosed with depression. These patients are a part of Mayo’s innovative DIAMOND program. We have also engaged other clinical partners for pilots and these are in the design stage currently.

How Our Solution Aids in Prevention of Heart Disease

The mental health side of disease management tends to be neglected. We want to use our solution to focus on the mental health aspect (even from a stress and anxiety standpoint) of heart disease prevention & management. Mevoked’s solution is highly customizable and can be adapted to focus on patient data collection, helping with educational content in real-time, or using behavioral activation as an intervention. In our studies we have been able to show effective behavioral change and we hope to continue that trend.

How We Will Spend Your Contributions:

We have been interested in setting up pilots with low income communities. Your support directly and in helping us win this challenge will help us get that opportunity with a variety of non-profits and academic institutions.

Who We Are:


CEO/CTO – Arun Ravi, former Practice Leader of Healthcare IT @ Frost & Sullivan, Linkedin Profile

CSO – Dr. Juan Pablo Ferrer, Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology, Linkedin Profile

How to Find Us:

Company Site: www.mevoked.com
Company Twitter: @Mevoked
Facebook : www.facebook.com/mevoked
NYC Connection: Investors

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyAwlzS18YE
Phone: 4805164314
email: arun@mevoked.com
San Francisco, CALIFORNIA


For $5 or more

0 Supporter(s)

Show the world you care about this problem and want it solved. We really do want to make a difference and really appreciate the support!!!

For $10 or more

1 Supporter(s)

INVESTORS - Buy us a cup of coffee - Take this reward and we will contact you for a first call or come see you in the local area.

For $25 or more

1 Supporter(s)

Our eternal gratitude and a white T-Shirt (with the Mevoked name and logo of course!) to show everyone you are part of the solution! We have a great logo too, making a difference and fashionable! Score!!!

For $50 or more

3 Supporter(s)

All of the above and the ability to talk to the founders of Mevoked for half an hour. Ideally we would love the talk to be around mental health but as long as it’s healthcare we will have a great time! We also love talking football, baseball and basketball, so we can be flexible 

For $52 or more

0 Supporter(s)

DOCTORS - An in-depth demo of Mevoked with the founders. We will also use this opportunity to add you to our A-List, Doctors that can get updated results from our studies and an email a month on progress. This will be very intimate and give you the ability to see Mevoked grow!

For $150 or more

1 Supporter(s)

DOCTORS - All of the above, a Mevoked t-shirt, and a half an hour session with the Mevoked founders.

For $350 or more

0 Supporter(s)

INVESTORS - Fly us a cup of coffee - Take this reward and we will come visit you ready to give a full demonstration anywhere in the US.

For $750 or more

0 Supporter(s)

DOCTOR PILOT - The ability to run a pilot with Mevoked. The size would be 10 patients and can be increased based on the need.

For $750 or more

0 Supporter(s)

HOSPITAL DEMO - Show the world you care about this problem and want it solved. In return we will do our best to solve it and talk to your team, demonstrating the product and discussing pilot opportunities.

For $750 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (5 left of 5 )

HOSPITAL - All of the above and get 25 Mevoked shirts for your hospital. We will actively focus on your institution being a part of Mevoked’s early pilots. Join us in changing how mental health is treated and managed.

For $1000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (5 left of 5 )

PARTNERS - Help us change the way mental health is treated and managed! We will come for a demo in the local area in NYC or San Francisco and bring you 10 Mevoked shirts as our thanks too!

For $2500 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (5 left of 5 )

HOSPITAL SMALL PILOT - All of the above and get 5 Mevoked shirts for your hospital and up to a ten patient pilot. Join us in changing how mental health is treated and managed.

For $5000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (5 left of 5 )

PARTNERS MEDIUM PILOT - We will come to you and help your organization take better care of your population with a pilot for up to 25 patients.

For $10000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (5 left of 5 )

PARTNERS CUSTOM PILOT - How can we help you with our solution. Take this reward and we will develop a custom program for your organization. This just covers the initial cost for the program. For details, please call us at the number below.

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