About our project

Chronic Wounds: an underestimated problem

Two years ago we went to a wound congress and we met some nurses, looking for a solution to help them when they are alone at patients’ place, confronted with wound healing impairment. For us the solution was clear, mobile technology could help the care provider and enhance the communication, anytime, anywhere. We have been working 18 months to understand better wound care process and offer a solution that fits the clinical setting. +WoundDesk is designed by providers for providers.

Current Situation in Wound Management

Average Age 62 years Patients are treated
Wound healing needs more than 6 months by 40% of the patients Wound management costs to rise up to 30% until 2020
Distribution of Wound Care Costs 63% of nursing time is dedicated to wound management


Mobile enhanced Wound Management with +WoundDesk

+WoundDesk is a complete mobile solution for professional wound management, which saves 60% of your documentation time, reduces medical errors and improves wound healing. At the end you get again more time for your patients.

More efficiency and collaboration = Better wound care outcomes

+WoundDesk supports providers throughout the whole wound management process

Mobile app for wound care providers
The app is used at patient bedside, with automated wound measurement and severity score, to document wound healing anywhere, at anytime.
Web platform for doctors
For secure patient data and team access right management. Your perfect tool to easily review wound consultations, change treatment plans and, if necessary, arrange new consultations.
Health analytics for decision makers
Access evidence-based analytics data about wound care management and patient outcomes to optimize wound treatment and resource allocation.
Wound Report for external specialists
Share your consultation with other involved wound care provider, communicate and get profound feedback.

More efficiency and collaboration = Better wound care outcomes

More information:

+WoundDesk, the easy wound documentation

The 5 minutes wound documentation

# Patient data review
# Automated wound surface measurement
# Wound assessment
# Results: severity score and wound surface
# Document treatment applied

+WoundDesk brings value to everyone involved in wound management

Less hospital stay Less paperwork
Better communication More competitivity

How We Help Patients:

+WoundDesk offer a unique solution for Wound early detection of wound healing impairment. The surface measurement and the severity score are compared to the previous measurement and so complications can be detected. For the patients, the best way to reduce hospital stay related to complications and a great way to improve quality of life.

About us

Connecting Health, Design and Technology to create Value

digitalMedLab was founded 2012 in Zurich/Switzerland by a medical doctor and a mobile specialist. At digitalMedLab we focus on improving care processes through mobile technology.

More information:

An experienced team with a deep domain expertise

Patricia Sigam, MD, MPH
CEO – Management & Health

12 years experience in:

  • Surgery
  • Telemedicine
  • Health Technology Assessment
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Research

Andreas Lorenz
CTO – Technology & Design

15 years experience in:

  • Frontend Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Online Marketing
  • Usability
  • UI/UX Design

Clinical Proof to date

The +WoundDesk App realizes a semi-automated wound surface area meas- urement. The reliability and accuracy of the +WoundDesk measurement tool has been evaluated in a clinical trial in collaboration with the Institute of Global Health, University of Geneva, Switzerland and the article published by the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

“Accuracy and reliability of wound surface area measurement using mobile technology”
Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates — Knowledge Resources, Internal Society for Telemedicine & eHealth, Vol. 8, 2015, p. 57-61.

Download study as PDF

In the News

Health-Apps — Zeit der Spielereien ist vorbei
Ärzte Zeitung, Germany, April 2015

Good start for mHealth App +WoundDesk
StartupTicker, Switzerland, April 2015

WoundDesk : le suivi des lésions se fait aussi à distance
L’Atelier, BNP Paribas Group, France, April 2015

Emerging European Digital Health Companies Join The 6th Annual Health 2.0 Europe Conference
eHealthNews, Germany, April 2015

A telemedicine approach to wound management
IDG Connect, Middlesex, UK, March 2015

Meeting of Brilliant Ideas at the Mobile World Congress
mHealth Competence Center, Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Spain, March 2015


Health 2.0 Europe “Tools for Provider Communication and Collaboration”
Barcelona, Spain, 19. Mai 2015

Med-e-Tel “Digital Wound Measurement”
Luxembourg, 22. – 24. April 2015

Connecting Health IT Messe Berlin “Finalists Startup Pitch @ App Circus”
Berlin, Germany, 15. April 2015

Mobile World Congress, Health & Wellness “Showcasing Innovation”
Barcelona, Spain, March 2015

Support our campaign for +WoundDesk’s certification

+WoundDesk was launched early this year and is now available on the Google Play Store

As +WoundDesk is intend to measure the wound surface, it’s qualified as a medical device class I. This means a long and expensive FDA certification process, before our product can reach the market.

Contributions use

The contributions will primarily be used for the certification process. The cost are like following:

Together we can transform healthcare

Support our crowdfunding campaign and be part of “Woundcare 2.0”, to improve chronic wound care and patients health outcomes.


digitalMedLab GmbH
Technopark Winterthur
Technoparkstrasse 2
8406 Winterthur, Switzerland
0041 – 52 – 212 8787


For $5 or more

2 Supporter(s)

+WoundDesk Like: You find our product useful and want to say it to the world! We will thank you with a patient nice +WoundDesk sticker. You will appear on our supporter page.

For $20 or more

1 Supporter(s)

+WoundDesk Patients: You want to use +WoundDesk for yourself! We offer you an unlimited use of +WoundDesk patient version. You will appear on our supporter page.

For $50 or more

2 Supporter(s)

+WoundDesk Friends You want to support us! We will thank you with a +WoundDesk pin and you will appear on our supporter page.

For $100 or more

5 Supporter(s)

+WoundDesk Supporters: You want to help us develop our solution! We will thank you with +WoundDesk T-shirt, a pin and you will appear on our supporter page.

For $300 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (50 left of 50 )

+WoundDesk Discover: Optimal for a nurse working alone or with 2 other providers! We offer you an unlimited access for 3 care providers, a reference guide for wound management and access to the knowledge exchange platform +WoundDesk, a webinar "Mobile H

For $500 or more

2 Supporter(s) Limited (18 left of 20 )

+WoundDesk Community: Optimal for medical or nursing practices! We offer you an unlimited access for your team (max. 10 care providers), a reference guide for wound management, access to the knowledge exchange platform +WoundDesk, a webinar "Mobile Heal

For $2000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (20 left of 20 )

+WoundDesk Nursing: Optimal for nursing home or home care agency! We offer you an unlimited access for your team, full customized reference guides for wound management, access to the knowledge exchange platform +WoundDesk, a webinar "Mobile Health & Secu

For $5000 or more

0 Supporter(s) Limited (5 left of 5 )

+WoundDesk Development: Optimal if you want to adapt +WoundDesk to your specific needs! We offer a white-label version with the full functionalities and a half-day training for your team, a webinar "Mobile Health & Security". You will appear on our part

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Casey Quinlan , Phd In Autodidact

backed on 07/14/2015

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Mark Berger

backed on 06/09/2015

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Dave Luo

backed on 06/04/2015

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