About our project

About Our Project

Patients with any health concern are usually overwhelmed with the various new challenges and limitations they must face. An integral part of managing any health concern (as well as prevention) is to focus on nutrition.

A huge obstacle for patients is managing dietary restrictions. Our goal is to help the patient focus more on the foods they can have as opposed to primarily focusing on what they can’t have. Having a family member with end-stage renal failure and being treated with hemodialysis, we know all about this concern first hand.

While there are resources available which provide recipes for patients with specific medical conditions, what is lacking is someone to actually show how to cook these meals. Our team has several years of experience in the food and culinary industries as well as business, on/offline marketing, consumer advocacy, and behavioral health.

We also have extensive experience in the development and production of several popular cooking shows on YouTube which feature not only a professional chef, Chef Paul Arcemont, but also a 10 year old aspiring chef, Kade. (By featuring a professional chef, the viewer learns the technical aspects of cooking while our young aspiring chef shows that if the meal is easy enough that a child can make it, then anyone can make it.) Now, we would like to take that experience and use it to produce cooking shows for patients/caregivers who must learn to cook meals appropriate for their specific medical conditions.

Our Solution

We aim to provide instructional cooking videos which feature recipes for specific medical conditions which are interactive, entertaining, and informative. We also want to provide recipes which are simple to make, affordable, and tasty enough for the whole family to enjoy so that a family only has to make one meal instead of two. We also aim to educate about the importance of using fresh, organic ingredients and how to find these items for a more affordable cost. We will showcase our local farmer’s markets here in South Louisiana (a culture of high interest to the general public) and could expand to other areas of viewer interest.

How It Works

Our videos introduce an innovative and more effective approach to get patients engaged in nutritional diets that are easy, healthy and affordable.

By having access to these videos, patients will not only be given ideas on meals to cook, but also shown how easy it is to prepare on their own. These recipes are in a regional budget and still provide tasty meals everyone in the family will enjoy.

While it is important to have a nutritionist explaining why you should eat certain foods, we also feel it is important to show them how easily they can cook the meals.

How We Will Use the Funds

At this time, we have produced some cooking shows aimed at educating patients with renal disease. However, with the financial backing that we are seeking, our goal is to produce more of these videos as well as expand to other medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, depression, and more going forward.

We are also seeking other professionals and experts to provide engaging content for our program. These include physicians, holistic health practitioners, nutritionists/ dieticians as well as other aspiring chefs along with actual patients to feature as guest stars.

Our new MedMeals.org platform will be a low .39 Pay Per View or a membership of $9.97 per month for unlimited content, however we will not turn anyone away due to lack of ability to pay. The general public will have access to content that we will produce specifically for marketing purposes. We will encourage physicians, dieticians/ nutritionists, and other healthcare professionals to network with us as well as offer an affiliate program once 30 tutorials are produced. Our goal is to have 5 shows produced weekly.

How We Will Support the Project

This project will be a membership platform. We are hopeful in getting insurance companies to approve payment of the cost for policyholders and will also be offered at a discount for people who cannot afford or do not have insurance.

The videos we produce can be used by doctors, hospitals, nutritionists and dietitians. Proper diet is essential for the wellbeing of any patient dealing with health and medical issues.

Shrimp Lettuce Wraps With Poblano Sauce made by Chef Paul and 10 year old Kade

Cranberry Chicken and Cabbage Steaks made by 10 year old Kade Dugas

Baked Fish and Cauliflower Mash made by 10 year old “Cooking With Kade”

Our Team

Founder: Ken Dugas

Researcher: Lindsey Dugas, M.A., CAC

Culinary Expert: Chef Paul Arcemont

Aspiring Chef & YouTube Personality: Kade Dugas

How to find us



Thank you for your support!

We hope to fund our project and keep patients and families with chronic conditions happy at home with great meals!


For $10 or more

0 Supporter(s)

Thank You tweet on @dialysisnetwork twitter account.

For $25 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and 1 sample each of “Cooking With Kade” Season-All and Smokey/ Seasoning Rub (2 oz. each).

For $50 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and 2 samples each of “Cooking With Kade” Season-All and Smokey Seasoning Rub (2 oz. each).

For $100 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and Thank You tweet on@socialmaxorg twitter accounts (reaching over 34,000 people) every day for 1 week and 1 bottle each of “Cooking With Kade” Season-All and Smokey Seasoning Rub (10 oz. each).

For $200 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and same tweet every day (your choice) for the 2nd week and 1 bottle each of “Cooking With Kade” Season-All and Smokey Seasoning Rub (10 oz. each).

For $350 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and Thank You tweet on @mediaadgroup twitter accounts (reaching over 46,000 people) every day for 1 week & same tweet every day (your choice) for 2nd week.

For $500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and the same tweet every day (another choice) for 3rd week.

For $750 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and the same tweet every day (another choice) for 4th week.

For $1000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and a Thank You tweet for 2 weeks on our 8 twitter accounts: those listed above + @nephrologygroup, @blnlearning, @cookingwithkade, @cajuntvnetwork, & @DiscountBomb (reaching over 83,000 Twitter followers), we will also share your content on multiple Facebook pages, add a Pinterest board for your business under our Media Ad Group account (reaching over 7,000 followers), and acknowledgement in video trailer in one of our cooking episodes.

For $2500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and a Thank You tweet for 1 week, a twitter campaign every day for 1 month (new tweet every week) on our 8 twitter accounts and acknowledgement in video trailer in 5 of our cooking episodes. We will list you as a CORPORATE SPONSOR with our sincere thank you on our website MedMeals.org in perpetuity.

For $5000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and a and a twitter campaign every day for 2 months on our 8 twitter accounts and acknowledgement in video trailer in 10 of our cooking episodes. We will list you as a CORPORATE SPONSOR with our sincere thank you on our website MedMeals.org in perpetuity. For being so generous, we will also highlight your brand as the Title sponsor throughout the show and shared on Linkedin to over 6,500 connections.

For $10000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

All of the above and and a twitter campaign every day for 3 months on our 8 twitter accounts and acknowledgement in video trailer in 20 of our cooking episodes. We will list you as a CORPORATE SPONSOR with our sincere thank you on our website MedMeals.org in perpetuity. For being so generous, we will also highlight your brand as the Title sponsor throughout 5 shows and shared on Linkedin to over 6500 connections.

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Ilan Fingeret

backed on 12/07/2015

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