The problem we solve:
Over 400 Million people in the world, those with Diabetes, have to inflict pain on themselves multiple times every day in order to live a healthy life. In addition to the pain, they are required to endure addition expense by having to continuously purchase strips and lances, adding insult to injury.
Shouldn't there be a better way?
About our solution:
Our solution employes two techniques:
The patient simply holds the GlucoSight to their eye for 8 seconds, we record the video, analyze the results and give them an indication as to whether their glucose level is healthy or not.
There is a lot of lighting magic and proprietary software that we had to develop, but the pupillary reaction curve allows us to derive the patients glucose range.
Progress to date:
At this point we are pre-market. The IP has been filed, data collection is ongoing, hardware and software are on continuous innovation/quality cycles, and paths to market both domestically and internationally, direct and partnerships are being actively pursued.
We are filing the initial paperwork for the FDA and will be launching a study with the Department of Endocrinology at a reputable Boston-based hospital and medical school in August and should have results very quickly as the GlucoSight feeds the resulting data into our cloud servers, allowing us immediate access to the data.
Creator: Ken Steinberg
Location: New Hampshire
A 30-year industry veteran with a reputation as a prolific problem solver with a continuously growing portfolio of solutions (products, services, patents) in numerous fields including computer science, healthcare and consumer safety.
Title: Principal
Advanced Degree(s): BSCS
Jason Clark
Founder/Engineering, BSEE
20 Year industry veteran with an extensive background in mechanican, electrical, and software engineering. Jason has deveoped numerous products ranging from medical devices to lighting to robotics.
James Wilkie
Head of Regulatory Affairs, BS, Plastics
A medical industry executive with extensive experience in M&A, R&D, regulatory affairs and operations in biotech, catheter and surgical product companies.
Dave Hall
Dir, Business Development, BSME
Dave Hall has over 30 years experience in Sales, Marketing and Business Development, working as a Sales and Business Consultant for Electronics, Medical Device, Bio-Medical, IT and Industrial accounts. A Mechanical Engineering graduate from the University of New Hampshire.
John Brooks III
Advisor, MSBA
An industry stalwart with over two decades of work in diabetes including executive leadership at Joslin Diabetes Center, Pfizer, and Insulet.
GlucoSight - Blood Sugar at the Speed of Sight
Location: 356 Main Dunstable Rd
Nashua, NH 03062
Founded: 2016
Twitter: @GlucoSight
Product Stage: Prototype/MVP
YTD Sales: Working on it
Employees: 5-10
Early detection and ongoing maintenance are crucial to the longevity and health of someone with diabetes. Many of the complications arise when the patient does not properly monitor their blood sugar as prescribed. Unfortunately the cost and pain associated with traditional lance-based methods act as a detractor, a deterrent to the patients daily routine monitoring requirements.
With a GlucoSight, we remove the negative (pain and cost) stimuli associated with monitoring one's blood sugar. We have had countless individuals ask us how to get a GlucoSight. They want relief, we all want to better outcomes, and a pain-free lifestyle.
Do you wish your patients managed their diabetes more consistently and reliably? Do you wish you could remotely monitor their efforts AND experience the effects on the physiology? Are you concerned for your patient’s overall health due to their poor monitoring habits?
At GlucoSight, our intent is to drive better outcomes by making the process of monitoring blood glucose levels pain-free. Imagine the ability of a patient to simply look into a small, mobile-phone attached device and in matter of seconds know if they are hyper- or hypoglycemic. At the same time, these results, and physiological information, including actual video of their eyes, is readily available to you via your laptop or phone?
All of this is potentially possible with your donation. Help us make better diabetic outcomes a reality!
We know every member of your team cares about the health of your patients, but we also know it is a daily challenge to keep the cost of healthcare in check. We are here to help.
With Medicare reimbursement cuts on the horizon, we can help reduce the cost of monitoring glucose levels and achieve better outcomes for your diabetic patients by eliminating the costs of lances, strips, excessive lab tests, and additional services due to poor glucose monitoring. With an 8 second video, we can help your staff work with your patients to easily and effectively monitor their diabetes. The time, cost, and long term complications that your hospital deals with every day might become a thing of the past.
Donate and help us, help you!
Imagine how GlucoSight effects all three of these areas; we can screen earlier and faster with less education; we can remove the costs of lances, strips, nursing time; we can increase outcomes due to easier monitoring. All with a simple mobile-device, a cellphone, and software, but with none of the headaches that go with producing, packing, and shipping sterile medical devices.
Add to this cloud-based access to patient data and data analytics. Every data element and image collected by GlucoSight securely resides in the cloud where healthcare professionals can provide ongoing treatment adjustments. Not only does the patient benefit but so does their physician and fellow researchers.
The market is changing. Companies, like GlucoSight, are racing for better, less costly, less painful, monitoring tools while others are striving for better treatment with innovations like the artificial pancreas. With tens of billions of dollars on the line, companies must either innovate or watch others cut into their bottom line. GlucoSight is poised to be a technology that will allow existing (or potential) market players to stay in the game by offering less expensive solutions to their customers, and better data to their researchers.
Intellectual Property Summary
A 24-page provisional patent has been filed covering the method for pupillary process analysis. Further Design patents and trademarks are in process. Additional prior art searches are being conducted for image analysis methods.
Clinical Information
Currently we are collecting data on a daily basis from new participants. We send GlucoSight units out to volunteers who use the GlucoSight in concert with their blood or continuous glucose monitor. These volunteers record their blood glucose level and video via our web application which submits this non-attributed, secure data to our data server. This process of data collection is ongoing.
In addition, we are engaging with clinical researchers at various medical and university institutions to engage in more detailed analysis and study. We expect to have additional studies in place in the Fall of 2016.
Regulatory Status
We have identified an FDA Class 1 device which we feel will provide a predicate device for obtaining FDA clearance for use of the GlucoSight as a screening device at the point of care. Additionally, we are examining paths to market as a Class 2 device to compete with existing glucose monitors. We will be submitting paperwork to the FDA to get their initial guidance. We are also looking into opportunities outside of the US, although these are secondary efforts and require more clearance knowledge
How we will use the funds raised
The funds raised will be used to further reduce the GlucoSight hardware and produce more devices for more rapid, more diverse data gathering and potentially for use as a Class 1 screening device in clinical settings.
Some of the capital raised will also be used to for expenses related to public awareness, marcom, and partnership activities.
Thank You
We want people with diabetes to live longer and have a healthy lifestyle without complications. We feel the best way to support this goal is to make the process of monitoring one's glucose level as painless and easy as possible. What could be easier that looking into a small camera for 8 seconds and having a result pop up on your phone?
This is our goal. We all have loved ones who deal with diabetes and we know there is a better way. We decided not to let the market come to us but to introduce our own solution with the intent of introducing market change and ultimately better outcomes.
Love this idea, looking forward to the device, even just for personal, non diagnostic use.
Thanks Alex. We are working hard to bring it to the market!
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