Heartln: innovation portable medical device ECG with full 12 leads

by Alex Vinogradov

HeartIn ECG is the innovation product that the first offers you to conduct a professional diagnostic with comfort at your home, office, gyms, etc.
Miami, FL United States Cardiovascular Disease Medical Device MedStartr Ventures challenge
Team Company Patients Physicians Hospital Partners Mission Innovation Details Supporters Comments Updates

About our project

The problem we solve: Timely diagnosis of heart disease, susceptibility to them, as well as the diagnosis of psychological stress.

About our solution: For 12 leads ECG: from start the process of applying the HeartIn ECG’s leads to your body to the time you send data to our examining and consulting cardiologist takes usually no more than 15 minutes for a first time user. We supply an easy-to-read application chart to attach leads, the leads are coded to eliminate confusion, and electrodes attached to your body are adhesive at their ends for ease of personal application. The examining cardiologist can verify correct placement or answer any uncertainties during the on-line consultation. You will get peace of mind in minutes, and even an instant start on necessary treatment if indicated! We supply the app on free download. It’s a full 12-lead device with all the data any cardiologist needs to conduct a full evaluation – not a condensed or truncated device -- yet its cost is highly affordable.

Progress to date:

We build the line between portable and professional diagnostic online, this is our lifestyle. Our aim is not just to give a device to you. We provide the health care professional service as well. HeartIn is the innovative product that the first offers you to conduct a professional diagnostic with comfort at your home, office, gyms, etc.

About Our Team

Creator: Alex Vinogradov

Location: Florida

Title: Owner and CEO

Advanced Degree(s): MBA

About Our Company

HeartIn Inc

Location: 7950 NW 53rd Street Suite 337
Miami, FL 33166

Founded: 7

Website: http://www.heartin.net

Twitter: twitter.com/HeartIn_net

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heartin.net/?fref=ts

Product Stage: In the Market

YTD Sales: Working on it

Employees: 10-20

How We Help Patients

Timely diagnosis of heart disease, susceptibility to them, as well as the diagnosis of psychological stress are the problems we try to solve. With HeartIn service consumers can check their heart from anywhere in the world using our miniature, portable Electrocardiograph (ECG) through our network of certified cardiology experts, all from their Smart Phone or PC. Each person can use HeartIn service for regular monitoring of the heart and level of psychological stress without extensive hassle and time loss from making and keeping appointments, they can use the HeartIn Portable Electrocardiograph for peace of mind, or for times of distress, all for the ultimate in prompt safety, security, and speedy diagnosis. We use a network of cardiology consultants we certify to instantly interpret and read results from all the necessary cardio ECG data right after you send it.

How We Help Physicians

Gathering good data and helping patients between visits is a challenge. HeartIn enables between care and better data collection.

We are sharing with Doctor online portal, where healthcare provides can receive diagnostic results, share wit the care team, and provide recommendations.

From your provider account you can communicate with patients and analyze their health records in a quick and automated way, improving care and communications.

How We Help Hospitals

If there is no cardiologist in your hospital or clinic, HeartIn portable device allows you to have a 24-hour, 7 day a week full-service 12 lead ECG on call and on-line with a qualified cardiologist directing the procedure and reading the results, then providing recommendations to help treat the patient.
The HeartIn Portable ECG can be moved throughout the hospital, so it can be moved from one exam room to the next or one patient room to the next. The HeartIn portable ECG is easily handled by one person, usually with one hand.Its signal is digital and of highest quality available.
The HeartIn portable 12-Lead ECGdevice in your facility will prove a valuable asset; it is designed for durable use (name its warranty to prove it durability, but call it for the United States a limited warranty to conform to United States law).

How We Help Partners

Together we can building BUSINESS MODEL:
 1.Devices are sold for minimal profit, it depends on the average regional price for cardiology consultations by local internet shops (B2C) 
2. Site receives a 30% B2C transaction fee from all diagnoses with 12-lead ECG 
3. Agreement with insurance companies, distributors  to buy a lot of devices for customers who will decrease insurance payments in the future (B2B)
 4. Full ECG service and increase of patients returning for clinics (B2B) 

Challenge Mission

Market Size

We are anticipate a strong interest from the Market and plan for future milestones by 2017 Dec $2M annual revenue sales and $100K monthly.
1. Customer can have cardiac diagnostic testing at home or office.
2. Reasonable price: 240$ for 12-lead (including first professional doctor consultation).
3. Full Cardio Analysis and stress test, detection of dysrhythmias even with bracelet
4. 24 hours Holter monitoring.
5. Patient can check diagnosis with different doctors
6. All cardio code placed on the server, which allows for quick and convenient feature updates
7. Quality of signal not worse that on hospital’s ECG

Projected 3 Year Growth

We are see our company in three years in USA Market, EU countries and Asia.

How We Will Make Money

Our revenue generation strategy will be from our customers who will pay for our medical devices and our net work cardiology service . 10% from service network cardiology and 20 % from selling our devices.

About our Competition

Our competitors are:

1. Current giants like Johnson & Johnson e.t.c
2. Smartheart, Israel - www.getsmartheart.com
3. Cardiosecur https://www.cardiosecur.com/en/
4. Alivecor https://www.alivecor.com
5. Some of Chinese ECG manufacturers

Advantages of our solution are:

1. Customer can have cardiac diagnostic testing at home or office
2. Reasonable price: 240$ for 12-lead (including first professional doctor consultation).
3. Full Cardio Analysis and stress test, detection of dysrhythmias even with bracelet
4. Ability to make a 24 hours Holter monitoring
5. User can check diagnosis with different doctors
6. All cardio code placed on the server, which allows for quick and convenient feature updates
7. Date safety
8. Quality of signal not worse that on hospital’s ECG

Innovation Details

Intellectual Property Summary

Our company “HeartIn” presents to you the revolutionary solution in the heart diagnostic. The professional 12-channel ECG system was reduced to the level of a portable home cardiograph and provides access to the world base of qualified doctors.

We build the line between portable and professional diagnostic online, this is our lifestyle. Our aim is not just to give a device to you. We provide the health care professional service as well.

The cost of the device and consultation is cheaper than clinic consultation fee.

You have the opportunity to complete diagnosis anywhere, using a new device HeartIn. Neither one portable device will not be able to diagnose as it does HeartIn.

Clinical Information

We are HeartIn has research facilities in Ukraine where citizens have the world’s second-highest death rate from the coronary disease. It is hoped that bringing prompt ECG will reduce the incidence of death. Timely diagnosis of heart disease, susceptibility to them, as well as the diagnosis of psychological stress are the problems we try to solve. We are sending our demo medical device ECG every where and cardiology accept, how good work our device with our Cloud service.
Also , we are  in processing with FDA, starting and already send form for The Small Business Determination Program of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) has completed an initial review of your FY 2017 Small Business Application for company Heartln Inc. And wait on  response for registration  from FDA  Small business Certification about  our medical device ECG , to get feed back form from them.

Regulatory Status

 We are in processing with FDA, starting and already send form for The Small Business Determination Program of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) has completed an initial review of your FY 2017 Small Business Application for company Heartln Inc. Right now waiting for answer from office FY 2017 MDUFA Small Business Qualification
Division of Industry and Consumer Education
10903 New Hampshire Avenue

How we will use the funds raised

We  need additional funding to complete the FDA and CE certification procedures. Working with DATA service and making more medical devices on factory

Thank You

The personal tragedy of one company founder suggested that saving lives of persons with cardiovascular disease would help save lives of the millions of people who are estimated annually to die from diseases of the heart.  It is hoped that bringing prompt ECG will reduce the incidence of death.
Whether you need it if you’re in distress, to evaluate worrisome signs or just periodic monitoring for compliance results with your doctor’s orders, this is for you.
We enable users, their caretakers, and doctors to receive results promptly anywhere and at any time in our cloud service.
We hope that people who read our report will be able to vote for our Project.  Let's help us for  build the line between portable and professional diagnostic online, this is our lifestyle. Our aim is not just to give a device to you. With our medical device HeartIn is the innovative product we will conduct a professional diagnostic with comfort at your home, office, gyms, etc. 



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