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About our project

Cancer incidence in young adults has increased more than any other age group.

Part of battling cancer is navigating the effects of stress, and we want to give young people the greatest chance of success that we can — that’s why we train them in effective relaxation modalities that can be replicated at home, so that they can manage stresses and benefit from deep relaxation.

We are crowdfunding this project so that we can offer our services to even more patients, FREE of charge. $100 can fund a relaxation session for a young person with cancer, or for a family member dealing with the challenging impact of this illness.

Our Goal: Helping Young People with Cancer to Experience the Many Benefits of Deep Relaxation

Young people with cancer face unique challenges, and to address that, Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy would like to provide patients and family members with our Integrative Therapy Relaxation Programs that include:

  • Yoga
  • Reiki
  • Meditation
  • Clinical Aromatherapy
  • Creative Expression

These relaxation modalities have been shown to be effective for stress management in research studies. To learn more about how they have been shown to offer valuable support, click the links! The body’s biological responses to changes in lifestyle (that include a deep relaxation component) have even been clinically shown to affect longevity!

More Evidence of Integrative Therapy’s Benefits

One study on the effects of yoga, from the Boston University School of Medicine (US), concluded that 12 weeks of yoga resulted in a significant increase of a critical brain chemical that improves mood and lowers anxiety.

A study on the effects of meditation found that, “a mindfulness-based intervention improved patients’ health-related quality of life, fatigue, and depression for up to 6 months post-intervention.”

One study on the effects of aromatherapy concluded that: “aroma inhalation could be a very effective stress management method for high school students.” Another found that “the use of aromatherapy significantly improved the sleep patterns of hospitalized patients".

One study on the effects of reiki found that it had “an effect on the parasympathetic nervous system when applied to people suffering from burnout syndrome.”

A study of creative expression found that is a powerful component of health promotion, providing the opportunity for community participants to increase control and ownership over their lives and their health.

And after you have read all these studies, check out this video which shows Noble Laureate, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, explaining the biological need for the benefits of deep relaxation!

Why Do We Need to Provide This for Young Cancer Patients and Their Families?

Cancer has become the number one disease killer in young adults.

Young adults are now the most under-served patient population by age.

Delayed cancer diagnosis is now disproportionately higher in young adults.

Young people with cancer, and their families, face seemingly insurmountable challenges. Financial stress is high on the list as cancer impacts a young patent’s ability to focus on work. Anxiety is prevalent, as are the many other undesirable side effects that are commonly caused by the cancer treatments themselves such as: exhaustion, pain, insomnia, digestion problems, and isolation.

Our Expertise & Experience working with hospitals

I understand what they are going through, because I went through it myself. I underwent three surgeries related to breast cancer and faced the need to deal with tremendous stress as a new mother navigating cancer.

What made all the difference, was my knowledge and previous training in these effective relaxation modalities. If ever there was a time for me to put them to the test, that was it. I realized what resources I had at my hands!

I am Eliza Siegler, Founder of Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy, an experienced Reiki Master Practitioner, a Certified Integrative Therapist, and a Registered Yoga Therapist. I hold a Masters in Fine Arts with highest honors and a specialty in Painting and Creative Expression, and I have completed the Urban Zen Integrative Therapy (UZIT) Certification Program, a 500-hour Yoga Alliance certified course that integrates Yoga Therapy, Reiki, Essential Oil Aromatherapy, Contemplative Care, Meditation, and self-care Nutrition.

I have volunteered my Integrative Therapy services at various organizations that provide complementary alternative therapies to cancer patients, and I have offered Reiki at specific events to support women with breast and ovarian cancer.

My valuable experience working with patients during the 100 hour clinical rotation component of my Urban Zen Integrative Therapy training at the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge, and with pre- and post-operative patients in all stages of their healing undergoing physical therapy, has led me to create Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy.

How Your Contributions will Help Others:

$100 will fund a relaxation session for a young person with cancer or for one of their family members. Many find it difficult to afford such therapies when dealing with the financial costs associated with cancer diagnoses and treatments.

When I was looking at Reiki sessions at Integrative Medicine Centers that were affiliated with hospitals here in New York, I found that they cost between $100 and $175 per session for in-office visits. While my normal in-office rates also average $150 per session, I am offering a 30% discount on this price for this Million Mothers project.

With your help, a young woman with breast cancer who needs to manage her budget to account for medical bills and a new self-care protocol will receive this relaxation session for free and have the chance to experience deep relaxation in an understanding and supportive environment. An over-extended father of a leukemia patient will get a chance to find restorative inner peace and will be in a better position to offer support to his family. A daughter may be able to manage her anxiety as she watches her mother undergo chemotherapy treatments.

Please Find, Follow & Talk to Me:

Facebook: Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy
Twitter: @elizaprettyleaf
LinkedIn: Eliza Prettyleaf


For $ 2 or more

1 Supporter(s)

A tweet of thanks and a shout out on our Facebook page!

For $ 25 or more

2 Supporter(s)

A print made of the pictures from the film (image on the Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy website) to remind you of our gratitude.

For $ 60 or more

0 Supporter(s)

A Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy Biodegradable Bamboo Tote Bag (image on the Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy website).

For $ 100 or more

1 Supporter(s)

A Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy Biodegradable Bamboo Tote Bag and the song from the film.

For $ 150 or more

0 Supporter(s)

A Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy Biodegradable Bamboo Tote Bag, the song from the film, and your name on my DONORS PAGE on the Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy website.

For $ 400 or more

0 Supporter(s)

HOSPITALS: A 1 hour Integrative Therapy Presentation to learn more about the benefits of Restorative Yoga, Meditation, Aromatherapy, and Creative Expression. This can be the beginning session to train your staff in Integrative Therapy modalities...OR... FOR PATIENTS: a ONE on ONE session to learn these practices to do on your own.

For $ 1200 or more

0 Supporter(s)

CORPORATIONS: A 1 hour Integrative Therapy Presentation to learn more about the benefits of Restorative Yoga, Meditation, Aromatherapy, and Creative Expression for your staff. Show patients and families that you want to contribute to their holistic wellness.

For $ 3000 or more

0 Supporter(s)

A 2.5 hour Integrative Therapy Presentation on the benefits of Restorative Yoga, Meditation, Aromatherapy, and Creative Expression for your staff with hands on Integrative Therapy Basic Self Care training. Plus, 2 one hour Integrative Therapy Basic Self Care classes for a GROUP (of up to 5 people).

For $ 5500 or more

0 Supporter(s)

HOSPITALS: Host an EVENT at your hospital (in the NYC area) for up to 15 patients ...OR...Get in touch with me to formulate a plan in which Prettyleaf Integrative Therapy offers you priority scheduling and relaxation services for your patients.

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