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  • $ 50

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  • This project was expired on 2014-07-13

About our project

By looking for evidence of cancer where it makes Itself known, the blood as filtered by the lungs, we can put dogs to work as a front line, accurate, non-invasive cancer screen so inexpensive it could compel millions more people to screen themselves yearly.

More than a dozen dogs have been successfully trained by scientist to alert to the compounds exhaled only by someone with Breast or Lung Cancer. Bewilderingly, not a one is working to keep us safe today. wants to put them to work full time.

Our Solution

We’re training new dogs to detect Lung and Breast Cancer biomarkers trapped in a paper mask worn for 15 minutes, and we need your help! wants to bring the cost effectiveness of searching by dog, to identify people for further Cancer screening.

Consumers will purchase online and answer meta data health questions while breathing into a paper mask or towel for 15 minutes. A zip lock baggie and an envelope later will have your sample screened by 2 Certified Cancer Work dogs.

A negatively alerted sample will receive emailed video of their screen with an explanation that the dogs found their sample unremarkable. An alerted sample video is emailed an explanation and invitation to apply for a co-pay refund for further testing.

Clinical Proof to date

Beginning in 2006, The Pine Street Foundation were the first to document that the clinical efficacy of canines is unmatched by mammogram or chest x-ray for detecting both Lung and Breast cancer.

In 2012, an EU study showed an efficacy rate over 95% remained in the presence of COPD and other illness.

Our study seeks only to determine if dogs can maintain these abilities regardless of ambient breath collection environment, as well as to establish efficient consumer /screening communication protocols.

FDA Status

A plastic zip lock bio sample bag within an envelope is standard USPO shipping. Certainly nothing like when you wet kiss and seal the back of the envelope. As an information only consumer service, not a medical exam, this process falls outside the purviews of the FDA and CDRH, Office of In Vitro Diagnostic Devices (OIVD).

How We Help Patients: seeks to provide an inexpensive, accurate way for consumers to screen their breath for bio-markers known to be expressed ONLY by Breast and Lung Cancer patients.

How We Will Spend Your Contributions:

130,000.00 for sample breath collection. Cureline inc.
30,000.00 for dogs and training.
80,000.00 Contract Research team, CRO.

Who We Are: Founders

Douglas Pratt
Cureline inc.

How to Find Us

Dogs and


For $ 50 or more

1 Supporter(s)

Gold level sponsors will receive a free breath screening at the conclusion of the trial. Gold level sponsors will also receive one free screen every year in their birth month. All gold level sponsors will be invited to participate in an optional long term tracking study that includes CT scans every 5 years.

For $ 150 or more

0 Supporter(s)

Angel sponsors receive website membership providing free “ 4 click” streamlined breath sample submission. Angel sponsors act as contact for the breath samples of loved friends, one at a time, at any time in the year.

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