InspireInYou: Thrive Naturally

by Nestor Velez

InspireInYou is an on demand audio content platform for counseling, therapy and strategies for mental wellness where people come to thrive naturally.
South Orange, NJ United States Depression Mental Health Alternative Therapies Takeda challenge
Team Company Patients Mission Innovation Details Supporters Comments Updates

About our project

The problem we solve: There are almost 60 million Americans suffering from mental illness. Only half of these Americans receive mental health care. Mental health care is pricey, with 45 percent of the untreated citing cost as a barrier. Not only are mental health conditions expensive, they are the most expensive, costing Americans over $201 billion a year.

About our solution: We are developing an intuitive software application that learns the mental health needs of the user. The software then distributes pre-recorded audio content from professionals such as counselors and therapists to name a few, specific to each user, based on their needs and interests to positively affect change in their lives and mental condition. By offering a 24/7 on demand platform we can cut mental health care costs drastically by promoting preventative care through our platform and also partner with counselors and therapists to use our platform as an extension to their practice.

Progress to date:The prototype will be done by the end of August 2016. We have three Universities that have agreed to pilot the program. All together the Universities have over 35,000 students.

About Our Team

Creator: Nestor Velez

Location: New York

Education: St. John's University

Bio: I've always been the leader of the group from childhood into my adult life. My friends always followed my lead and I organized everything and anything we did. My passion has always been helping others. I always knew whether it be in my career or as a business owner, I would do something that helped others. I didn't find that throughout my career. I finally found what I was meant to do to help the world... InspireInYou

Title: Co-Founder

About Our Company


Location: 28 West 3rd St.
South Orange, NJ 07079

Founded: 2013


Twitter: @inspireinyou


Other link:

Product Stage: Prototype/MVP

YTD Sales: Working on it

Employees: 3-5

How We Help Patients

You don't have to have a serious mental illness to get the most out of inspireinyou. If you need a boost in the morning or mid day while at work, inspireinyou is an on demand platform 24/7. Whether you are looking for motivation, inspiration, help with overcoming depression, help with dealing with the loss of a loved one or anxiety, we are here for you! If you are looking for education, advice or stories from people that have been through the same, what they did and how they did it, we have that for you too! Want to meditate, we have audio content on meditation as well. We are here for any and all of your needs!

Challenge Mission

How we will improve Depression Care

Our entire mission is focused around depression. Our app is on demand 24/7. If you are suffering from depression at any time, anywhere, pick up the app and it will have a list of content to listen to, specifically for the user based on how they are feeling. If you are currently seeing a therapist or counselor, we will also be working with them as a platform for continuation of care. We aim to be an extension of their private practice. Now you have access to them 24/7. Listen to all their content and other material they will add specifically for you!

How we will make the lives of those who suffer from depression better

For us this is just the start. We have many ideas that will will continue implementing and testing to further our mission. The end goal is to help people and drastically lower the cost of mental health care.

Innovation Details

Intellectual Property Summary

I have revealed nothing that is considered Intellectual Property.

Clinical Information


Regulatory Status


How we will use the funds raised

The funds will be used for marketing and marketing materials for potential customers such as companies, schools and organizations.

Thank You

As cliche' as it sounds my dream and goal was to somehow be able to help a massive amount of people. Two years ago my partner came to me with the idea of inspireinyou and it immediately hit me that this was my calling. Going through issues of my own throughout my life, I know how hard it is to receive mental health care. It's expensive, embarrassing, hard to admit you have a problem and need help and it hard to find the right person and take the time out to visit multiple therapists until you find one you are comfortable with. The blue collar American can't afford to do this monetarily and probably doesn't have the time either. 

I found that videos on youtube with content on how to overcome certain issues and videos that gave advice helped me dramatically. The problem was finding the content that I specifically needed or was looking for. Another issue was the person giving the content. There was really no way to vet them. I searched for something that automatically sent me audio content that I needed and wanted to hear based on what I was feeling or going through. We want to be the platform that brings all that audio content to you. Everyone wants to be motivated, inspired, helped with their anxiety, depression or just need a little extra boost in the morning. 

InspireInYou can and will be beneficial to everyone! Our mission is to touch and reach as many lives as we can, so that we have an opportunity to make the world a happier place!



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$ 5,000 goal

St. John's University


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